- grass-farm
- [ʹgrɑ:sfɑ:m] n
лугопастбищное хозяйство
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
farm — ▪ I. farm farm 1 [fɑːm ǁ fɑːrm] noun [countable] 1. FARMING an area of land, used for growing crops or keeping animals as a business: • a 3000 hectare maize farm • Farm exports account for 70% of New Zealand s exports. • a … Financial and business terms
farm — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. ranch, rancho, plantation, farmstead, grange. See abode. v. cultivate, till. See agriculture. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. plantation, ranch, homestead, field, grange, pasture, meadow, grassland, truck… … English dictionary for students
grass — grassless, adj. grasslike, adj. grassward, grasswards, adv. adj. /gras, grahs/, n. 1. any plant of the family Gramineae, having jointed stems, sheathing leaves, and seedlike grains. Cf. grass family. 2. such plants collectively, as when… … Universalium
grass — I. /gras / (say grahs) noun 1. any plant of the family Gramineae (or Poaceae), characterised by jointed stems, sheathing leaves, flower spikelets, and fruit consisting of a seedlike grain or caryopsis (true grasses). 2. herbage in general, or the …
farm building — ▪ agriculture Introduction any of the structures used in farming operations, which may include buildings to house families and workers, as well as livestock, machinery, and crops. The basic unit of commercial agricultural operation,… … Universalium
Grass Patch, Western Australia — Infobox Australian Place | type = town name = Grass Patch state = wa caption = lga = Shire of Esperance postcode = 6446 est = 1923 pop = elevation= 218 maxtemp = mintemp = rainfall = stategov = Eyre fedgov = Kalgoorlie dist1 = 783 dir1 = SE… … Wikipedia
grass roots — Synonyms and related words: agricultural region, arable land, beginning, black belt, citrus belt, commencement, conception, corn belt, cotton belt, countryside, derivation, dust bowl, farm belt, farm country, farmland, fruit belt, genesis,… … Moby Thesaurus
grass roots — n 1. countryside, rural districts, farm country, Inf. sticks, Sl. boondocks, Sl. boonies; provinces, hinterlands, backwoods, back country, wilds, middle of nowhere; heartland, U.S.Peoria, U.S.Main Street, U.S.River City, down on the farm. 2.… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
Texas Farm Bureau — Celebrating its 75th anniversary in 2008, [Texas Farm Bureau] [http://www.txfb.org the Texas Farm Bureau] has long served as the Voice of Texas Agriculture. As the largest farm organization in the nation’s second largest state, TFB represents the … Wikipedia
The Grass is Singing — infobox Book | name = The Grass Is Singing title orig = translator = image caption = author = Doris Lessing illustrator = cover artist = country = United Kingdom language = English series = genre = Novel publisher = Michael Joseph release date =… … Wikipedia
Purple moor grass and rush pastures — is a type of Biodiversity Action Plan habitat in the UK. It occurs on poorly drained neutral and acidic soils of the lowlands and upland fringe. It is found in the South West of England, especially in Devon. The vegetation consists of species… … Wikipedia