- grape-shot
- [ʹgreıpʃɒt] n воен. ист.
крупная картечь
to fire grape-shot on the enemy, to pepper the enemy with grape-shot - стрелять картечью по противнику, осыпать противника картечью
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
to fire grape-shot on the enemy, to pepper the enemy with grape-shot - стрелять картечью по противнику, осыпать противника картечью
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
grape|shot — «GRAYP SHOT», noun. a cluster of small iron balls, formerly used as a charge for cannon … Useful english dictionary
grape shot — mod. alcohol intoxicated; drunk on wine. □ After the reception, Hank found himself a little grape shot. □ Man, is that guy ever grape shot! How can he hold enough to get that way? … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
grape-shot — … Useful english dictionary
shot — Synonyms and related words: Nimrod, SOL, Telephoto, Wirephoto, admission, admission fee, aerial photograph, all bets off, all off, all over, all up, altitude peak, anchorage, ante, antelope, antitoxin, approach, archer, arrow, artilleryman, assay … Moby Thesaurus
shot — I n 1. crack, report, discharge; blast, explosion, detonation; bang, boom, burst, eruption, crash. 2. ball, Minid ball, pellet, bullet, slug; missile, projectile, ammunition, Inf. ammo; cannonball; Archaic. grapeshot, Archaic. grape. 3. marksman … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
shot berry — noun : a small imperfectly developed berry in a grape cluster … Useful english dictionary
the grape — wine Standard English since the 17th century. The obsolete punning grape shot meant drunk but a whiff of grapeshot was something more debilitating see whiff of … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
Moby Grape — Columbia Records promotional photo, 1967. (Left to Right) Skip Spence, Jerry Miller, Bob Mosley, Peter Lewis, Don Stevenson Background information Origin San … Wikipedia
Champagne in popular culture — Grape Shot: 1915 English magazine illustration of a woman riding a Champagne cork Champagne has featured prominently in popular culture for over a century, due in part to a long history of effective marketing and product placement by leading… … Wikipedia
grapeshot — grape•shot [[t]ˈgreɪpˌʃɒt[/t]] n. mil a cluster of small cast iron balls formerly used as a charge for a cannon • Etymology: 1740–50 … From formal English to slang
Arms — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Arms >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 arm arm arms Sgm: N 1 weapon weapon deadly weapon Sgm: N 1 armament armament armaments armature Sgm: N 1 panoply panoply stand of arms … English dictionary for students