- goo-goo eyes
- [ʹgu:gu:ʹaız] разг.
влюблённые взоры, взгляды
to make goo-goo eyes at each other - смотреть друг на друга влюблённо /влюблёнными глазами/
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
to make goo-goo eyes at each other - смотреть друг на друга влюблённо /влюблёнными глазами/
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
goo-goo eyes — goo′ goo eyes n. pl. Slang. sts amorous glances • Etymology: appar. alter. of goggle eyes … From formal English to slang
goo-goo eyes — [go͞o′go͞o΄ī] n. Slang amorously inviting glances … English World dictionary
goo-goo eyes — noun (plural) AmE humorous a silly look that shows you love someone: make goo goo eyes at sb: Look at them, making goo goo eyes at each other. goo goo eyed adjective … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
goo-goo eyes — [“gugu “aiz] n. flirtatious eyes. (Often with make.) □ Mary was making goo goo eyes at Sam. □ Who’s the chick over there with the goo goo eyes? … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
goo-goo eyes — /ˈgu gu aɪz/ (say gooh gooh uyz) plural noun 1. a facial expression of devotion or infatuation. –phrase 2. make goo goo eyes at, to gaze at with devotion or infatuation. –goo goo eyed, adjective …
goo-goo eyes — /gooh gooh /, Older Slang. foolishly amorous glances: They sat there making goo goo eyes at each other. [1895 1900; var. of GOGGLE EYES] * * * … Universalium
goo-goo eyes — /gooh gooh /, Older Slang. foolishly amorous glances: They sat there making goo goo eyes at each other. [1895 1900; var. of GOGGLE EYES] … Useful english dictionary
goo-goo eyes — noun A romantic look at something or someone. Just because she made dem goo goo eyes, she did up quick a chap about my size; … Wiktionary
goo-goo eyes — Large, round eyes … A concise dictionary of English slang
goo-goo — ☆ goo goo [go͞o′go͞o′ ] n. 〚< Goo(d) Go(vernment Association), a Boston reform society〛 Slang an idealistic advocate of honest government: usually a somewhat disparaging term * * * goo goo (go͞oʹgo͞oʹ) adj. Slang Amorous or loving, often… … Universalium
goo-goo — amorous, 1900, perhaps connected with GOGGLE (Cf. goggle), since the earliest reference is in goo goo eyes. The sense of baby talk is from 1863. Use in reference to politics began 1890s, and seems to be a shortening of Good Government as a… … Etymology dictionary