- glass-shot
- [ʹglɑ:sʃɒt] n кино
кадр, снятый с дорисовкой декорации на стекле, комбинированный кадр
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
glass shot — /ˈglas ʃɒt/ (say glahs shot) noun a film shot involving a setting, only part of which is constructed full size, the remainder being fixed, usually painted, on a sheet of glass suspended a short distance in front of the camera to merge with the… …
glass shot — noun : a motion picture or television shot in which a part of a scene is made through a glass plate having other parts of the scene painted on its surface … Useful english dictionary
Shot glass — Three shot glasses of varying shape and size Shot glasses with a var … Wikipedia
Glass no Pumps — Single par Maki Gotō extrait de l’album How to Use Sexy Face A Glass no Pumps Face B Love Kan Coffee Sortie 7 juin 2006 … Wikipédia en Français
Shot — Shot, n.; pl. {Shot}or {Shots}. [OE. shot, schot, AS. gesceot a missile; akin to D. schot a shot, shoot, G. schuss, geschoss a missile, Icel. skot a throwing, a javelin, and E. shoot, v.t. [root]159. See {Shoot}, and cf. {Shot} a share.] 1. The… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Shot — Shot, n.; pl. {Shot}or {Shots}. [OE. shot, schot, AS. gesceot a missile; akin to D. schot a shot, shoot, G. schuss, geschoss a missile, Icel. skot a throwing, a javelin, and E. shoot, v.t. [root]159. See {Shoot}, and cf. {Shot} a share.] 1. The… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Shot belt — Shot Shot, n.; pl. {Shot}or {Shots}. [OE. shot, schot, AS. gesceot a missile; akin to D. schot a shot, shoot, G. schuss, geschoss a missile, Icel. skot a throwing, a javelin, and E. shoot, v.t. [root]159. See {Shoot}, and cf. {Shot} a share.] 1.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Shot cartridge — Shot Shot, n.; pl. {Shot}or {Shots}. [OE. shot, schot, AS. gesceot a missile; akin to D. schot a shot, shoot, G. schuss, geschoss a missile, Icel. skot a throwing, a javelin, and E. shoot, v.t. [root]159. See {Shoot}, and cf. {Shot} a share.] 1.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Shot garland — Shot Shot, n.; pl. {Shot}or {Shots}. [OE. shot, schot, AS. gesceot a missile; akin to D. schot a shot, shoot, G. schuss, geschoss a missile, Icel. skot a throwing, a javelin, and E. shoot, v.t. [root]159. See {Shoot}, and cf. {Shot} a share.] 1.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Shot gauge — Shot Shot, n.; pl. {Shot}or {Shots}. [OE. shot, schot, AS. gesceot a missile; akin to D. schot a shot, shoot, G. schuss, geschoss a missile, Icel. skot a throwing, a javelin, and E. shoot, v.t. [root]159. See {Shoot}, and cf. {Shot} a share.] 1.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
shot hole — Shot Shot, n.; pl. {Shot}or {Shots}. [OE. shot, schot, AS. gesceot a missile; akin to D. schot a shot, shoot, G. schuss, geschoss a missile, Icel. skot a throwing, a javelin, and E. shoot, v.t. [root]159. See {Shoot}, and cf. {Shot} a share.] 1.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English