- girl-friend
- [ʹgɜ:lfrend] n
1) подруга2) возлюбленная, любимая девушка
he seems to have a new girl-friend every week - у него каждую неделю меняются девушки
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
he seems to have a new girl-friend every week - у него каждую неделю меняются девушки
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Girl Friend — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Girl Friends ガールフレンドス Género Comedia romántica, Yuri Manga Girl Friend Creado por Milk Morinaga … Wikipedia Español
girl-friend — [gœʀlfʀɛnd] n. f. ÉTYM. 1940, in Höfler; expression angl., « jeune amie ». ❖ ♦ Anglic. Bonne amie, flirt (en parlant d une jeune fille). → Boy friend. || Des girl friends. 0 La Passante de Baudelaire, c est toi. L extravagant qui voit dans ton… … Encyclopédie Universelle
girl|friend — «GURL FREHND», noun, or girl friend, Informal. 1. a female romantic partner or sweetheart. 2. a female friend … Useful english dictionary
girl friend — /gə:l frɛnd/, it. /gɛrl frɛnd/ locuz. ingl. (propr. ragazza amica ), usata in ital. come s.f., non com. [fanciulla con cui si intrattiene un rapporto sentimentale] ▶◀ fidanzata, innamorata, (region.) morosa, (fam.) ragazza, (region.) zita … Enciclopedia Italiana
girl friend — {n.}, {informal} 1. A female friend or companion. * /Jane is spending the night at her girlfriend s house./ 2. A boy s steady girl; the girl or woman partner in a love affair; girl; sweetheart. * /John is taking his girl friend to the dance./… … Dictionary of American idioms
girl friend — {n.}, {informal} 1. A female friend or companion. * /Jane is spending the night at her girlfriend s house./ 2. A boy s steady girl; the girl or woman partner in a love affair; girl; sweetheart. * /John is taking his girl friend to the dance./… … Dictionary of American idioms
girl\ friend — noun informal 1. A female friend or companion. Jane is spending the night at her girlfriend s house. 2. A boy s steady girl; the girl or woman partner in a love affair; girl; sweetheart. John is taking his girl friend to the dance. Contrast:… … Словарь американских идиом
girl friend — noun 1. : a female friend 2. : a favorite female companion of a boy or man 3. : the female partner in an intimate or especially an illicit relationship * * * girl|friend «GURL FREHND», noun, or girl friend, Informal. 1. a female romantic partner… … Useful english dictionary
Girl Friend Experience — GFE est un sigle (girlfriend experience en anglais) utilisé par les travailleuses du sexe afin de préciser le type de service qu elles offrent. La prostituée propose de se comporter comme une « petite amie » (girl friend en anglais). Le … Wikipédia en Français
girl friend — Synonyms and related words: Dulcinea, ace, amigo, associate, baby, bedfellow, bedmate, beloved, best girl, bosom buddy, buddy, bunkie, bunkmate, butty, camarade, chamberfellow, chick, chum, classmate, colleague, comate, companion, company,… … Moby Thesaurus
girl friend — noun A female friend, especially a womans … Wiktionary