
[ədʹmɒnıʃ] v
1. 1) наставлять; предостерегать; предупреждать (против совершения какого-л. проступка)

the teacher admonished the boys of /against/ being late - учитель предупредил мальчиков, чтобы они не опаздывали

2) (about, for) журить, корить; давать указание; делать замечание, выговор (за какой-л. проступок)

the teacher admonished him about excessive noise - учитель потребовал, чтобы он перестал шуметь /возиться/

2. убеждать, увещевать

to admonish smb. to do smth. - убеждать кого-л. сделать что-л.

the policeman admonished him not to drive so fast - полицейский предложил ему сбавить скорость

the guide admonished the climbers to follow him carefully - проводник настойчиво просил альпинистов ни в коем случае не отставать от него

3. (of, about) напоминать; сообщать

to admonish smb. about his obligations - напомнить кому-л. о его обязанностях

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "admonish" в других словарях:

  • admonish — I (advise) verb admonere, advocate, alert, call attention to, charge, correct, counsel, enjoin, exhort, give advice, give counsel, give notice, inform, instruct, notify, offer counsel, prescribe, propound, recommend, submit, suggest, urge II… …   Law dictionary

  • Admonish — Ad*mon ish, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Admonished}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Admonishing}.] [OE. amonesten, OF. amonester, F. admonester, fr. a supposed LL. admonesstrare, fr. L. admonere to remind, warn; ad + monere to warn. See {Monition}.] 1. To warn or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Admonish — can refer to:*To give out a warning, or instruct against.Music*Admonish (band), a Swedish black metal band …   Wikipedia

  • Admonish — Allgemeine Informationen Genre(s) „Unblack Metal“ Gründung 1994 Website …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • admonish — (v.) mid 14c., amonesten remind, urge, exhort, warn, give warning, from O.Fr. amonester (12c.) urge, encourage, warn, from V.L. *admonestare, from L. admonere bring to mind, remind, suggest; also warn, advise, urge, from ad to (see AD (Cf. ad ))… …   Etymology dictionary

  • admonish — chide, *reprove, reproach, rebuke, reprimand Analogous words: *warn, forewarn, caution: counsel, advise (see under ADVICE n): *criticize, reprehend, reprobate Antonyms: commend Contrasted words: *approve: applaud, compliment (see …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • admonish — [v] warn, strongly criticize advise, berate, call down, call on the carpet*, censure, check, chide, come down hard on*, counsel, ding*, draw the line*, enjoin, exhort, forewarn, give a going over*, give a piece of one’s mind*, glue*, growl*,… …   New thesaurus

  • admonish — ► VERB 1) reprimand firmly. 2) earnestly urge or warn. DERIVATIVES admonishment noun admonition noun admonitory adjective. ORIGIN Latin admonere urge by warning …   English terms dictionary

  • admonish — [ad män′ish, ədmän′ish] vt. [ME amonesten < OFr amonester < ML * admonestare, ult. < L admonere < ad , to + monere, to warn] 1. to caution against specific faults; warn 2. to reprove mildly 3. to urge or exhort 4. to inform or remind …   English World dictionary

  • admonish — v. (formal) 1) (D; tr.) to admonish for (the teacher admonished the child for coming late to school) 2) (H) to admonish smb. to do smt. * * * [əd mɒnɪʃ] (H) to admonish smb. to do smt. (formal) (D; tr.) to admonish for (the teacher admonished the …   Combinatory dictionary

  • admonish — /ədˈmɒnɪʃ / (say uhd monish) verb (t) 1. to counsel against something; caution or advise: to admonish him not to eat salt. 2. to reprove for a fault, especially mildly: *Do not admonish little Stanislaus if he tears the heart out of a backyard… …  

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