- geologic
- [͵dʒıəʹlɒdʒık,-{͵dʒıəʹlɒdʒık}(ə)l] a
геологический, относящийся к геологии
geologic(al) high [low] - относящийся к позднейшей [древней] геологической формации
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
geologic(al) high [low] - относящийся к позднейшей [древней] геологической формации
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
geologic — GEOLÓGIC, Ă, geologici, ce, adj. Care aparţine geologiei, privitor la geologie. ♦ Străvechi. [pr.: ge o ] – Din fr. géologique. Trimis de gall, 19.12.2008. Sursa: DEX 98 geológic adj. (sil. ge o ) → logic Trimis de siveco, 13.09.2007. Sursa:… … Dicționar Român
geologic — 1799, from GEOLOGY (Cf. geology) + IC (Cf. ic). Geologic time is recorded from 1861 … Etymology dictionary
Geologic — Ge o*log ic, Geological Ge o*log ic*al, a. [Cf. F. g[ e]ologique.] Of or pertaining to geology, or the science of the earth. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
geologic — [jē΄ə läj′ik] adj. of or according to geology: also geological geologically adv … English World dictionary
geologic — adjective of, or relating to geology or a geologic timescale … Wiktionary
geologic — adj. Geologic is used with these nouns: ↑history … Collocations dictionary
geologic — geology ► NOUN 1) the science which deals with the physical structure and substance of the earth. 2) the geological features of a district. DERIVATIVES geologic adjective geological adjective geologically adverb geologist noun … English terms dictionary
geologic — adjective of or relating to or based on geology geological formations geologic forces • Syn: ↑geological • Pertains to noun: ↑geology, ↑geology (for: ↑geological … Useful english dictionary
Geologic modelling — is the applied science of creating computerized representations of portions of the Earth s crust, especially oil and gas fields and groundwater aquifers. In the oil and gas industry, realistic geologic models are required as input to reservoir… … Wikipedia
geologic time — or geological time n. the time period (c. 4.55 billion years) representing the earth s geologic history: see the geologic time chart in the Reference Supplement … English World dictionary
Geologic timeline — can refer to:*The geologic time scale of Earth history. *The historical development of the science of geology, as in the timeline of geology article … Wikipedia