- gentleman-usher
- [͵dʒentlmənʹʌʃə] n
церемониймейстер при дворе
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Gentleman Usher — is a title for some officers of the Royal Household of the United Kingdom. See List of Gentlemen Ushers for a list of office holders.Gentlemen Ushers as servantsHistoricalGentlemen Ushers were originally a class of servants found not only in the… … Wikipedia
gentleman usher — noun (pl gentlemen ushers) A gentleman who serves as an usher at court, or as an attendant on a person of rank • • • Main Entry: ↑gentleman * * * gentleman usher, a gentleman employed as an usher at court or an attendant upon a person of rank … Useful english dictionary
Gentleman usher — Gentleman Gen tle*man, n.; pl. {Gentlemen}. [OE. gentilman nobleman; gentil noble + man man; cf. F. gentilhomme.] [1913 Webster] 1. A man well born; one of good family; one above the condition of a yeoman. [1913 Webster] 2. One of gentle or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gentleman usher of the black rod — Gentleman Gen tle*man, n.; pl. {Gentlemen}. [OE. gentilman nobleman; gentil noble + man man; cf. F. gentilhomme.] [1913 Webster] 1. A man well born; one of good family; one above the condition of a yeoman. [1913 Webster] 2. One of gentle or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod — Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, allgemein einfach als Black Rod bezeichnet, ist der Titel eines ranghohen Beamten in einer Anzahl von Parlamenten in Großbritannien und weiteren Commonwealth Staaten. Auf Deutsch kann der Titel in etwa mit… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod — See Parliament. Collins dictionary of law. W. J. Stewart. 2001 … Law dictionary
Gentleman Usher to the Sword of State — The Gentleman Usher to the Sword of State is an officer of the British Royal Household. He is responsible for bearing the Sword of State before the monarch on ceremonial occasions. However, the Gentleman Usher was removed from the procession at… … Wikipedia
Gentleman Usher of the Green Rod — The Gentleman Usher of the Green Rod is the Gentleman Usher to the Order of the Thistle, established in 1687. Office Holders from 1714 *1714–1761 Sir Thomas Brand *1762–1787 Robert Quarme *1787–1800 Matthew Robert Arnott *1800–1842 Robert Quarme… … Wikipedia
Gentleman Usher of the Purple Rod — The Gentleman Usher of the Purple Rod is the Usher to the Order of the British Empire, established in 1917 and effective since 1918. Office Holders from 1918*1918 – 23 August 1952: Sir Frederic Kenyon *30 September 1952 – 2 December 1960: Sir… … Wikipedia
Gentleman Usher of the Scarlet Rod — The Gentleman Usher of the Scarlet Rod is the Gentleman Usher to the Order of the Bath, established in 1725. Office Holders from 1725*1725 – ?: Edmund Sawyer *bef. 1763 – aft. 1789: Henry Hill *bef. 1806 – 2 July 1814: Sir Isaac Heard *2 July… … Wikipedia
Gentleman Usher of the Blue Rod — The Gentleman Usher of the Blue Rod is the Gentleman Usher to the Order of St Michael and St George, established in 1818.The office was simply designated as that of Officer of Arms to the Order from the first appointment in 1882 until 1911, when… … Wikipedia