- gas-gangrene
- [ʹgæsʹgæŋgri:n] n мед.
газовая гангрена
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Gas gangrene — Classification and external resources Photograph before right leg amputation (hemipelvectomy) of a patient with gas gangrene. The right thigh is swollen, edematous and discoloured with necrotic bullae (large blisters). An impressive crepitation… … Wikipedia
gas gangrene — n progressive gangrene marked by impregnation of the dead and dying tissue with gas and caused by one or more toxin producing bacteria of the genus Clostridium that enter the body through wounds and proliferate in necrotic tissue * * * death and… … Medical dictionary
gas gangrene — n. a gangrene in which gas bacilli multiply in extensive, dirty wounds, producing severe pain, swollen, gas filled tissue, and toxemia … English World dictionary
gas gangrene — gas′ gan grene n. pat a gangrenous infection developing in wounds, esp. deep wounds with closed spaces, caused by bacteria that form gases in the subcutaneous tissues • Etymology: 1910–15 … From formal English to slang
gas gangrene toxin — any of the exotoxins produced by Clostridium perfringens and associated with gas gangrene. At least 10 types have been identified. The α toxin is a lethal, necrotizing lecithinase (phospholipase C) that splits lecithin in cell membranes, is… … Medical dictionary
gas gangrene — noun (pathology) a deadly form of gangrene usually caused by clostridium bacteria that produce toxins that cause tissue death; can be used as a bioweapon • Syn: ↑clostridial myonecrosis, ↑emphysematous gangrene, ↑emphysematous phlegmon,… … Useful english dictionary
gas gangrene — noun Date: 1914 progressive gangrene marked by impregnation of the dead and dying tissue with gas and caused by one or more toxin producing clostridia … New Collegiate Dictionary
gas gangrene — (gang grĭn) A type of gangrene that arises from dirty, lacerated wounds infected by anaerobic bacteria, especially species of Clostridium. As the bacteria grow, they release toxins and ferment carbohydrates to produce carbon dioxide and hydrogen… … Dictionary of microbiology
gas gangrene — noun rapidly spreading gangrene affecting injured tissue infected by a soil bacterium and accompanied by the evolution of foul smelling gas … English new terms dictionary
gas gangrene — death and decay of wound tissue infected by the soil bacterium Clostridium perfringens. Toxins produced by the bacterium cause putrefactive decay of connective tissue with the generation of gas. Treatment is usually by surgery … The new mediacal dictionary
gas gangrene — /ˈgæs gæŋgrin/ (say gas ganggreen) noun a gangrenous infection developing in wounds, especially deep wounds with closed spaces, due to bacteria which form gases in the subcutaneous tissues …