bowie knife

bowie knife
[ʹbəʋı|naıf] (pl -knives [-{ʹbəʋı}naıvz]) амер.
длинный охотничий нож; финка

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "bowie knife" в других словарях:

  • Bowie knife — specifically refers to a style of knife popularized by Colonel James Jim Bowie and first made by James Black, although its common use refers to any large sheath knife with a clip point. Description The historical Bowie was not a single design,… …   Wikipedia

  • Bowie knife — Bow ie knife A knife with a strong blade from ten to fifteen inches long, and double edged near the point; used as a hunting knife, and formerly as a weapon in the southwestern part of the United States. It was named from its inventor, Colonel… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bowie knife — ► NOUN ▪ a long knife with a blade double edged at the point. ORIGIN named after the American frontiersman Jim Bowie (1799 1836) …   English terms dictionary

  • bowie knife — ☆ bowie knife [bo͞o′ē, bō′ē ] n. [after Col. James Bowie (1799? 1836) or ? his brother, Rezin, U.S. frontiersmen] a steel knife about fifteen inches long, with a single edge, usually carried in a sheath, used originally by American frontiersmen… …   English World dictionary

  • bowie knife — 1827, named for its inventor, U.S. fighter and frontiersman Col. James Jim Bowie (1799 1836), and properly pronounced boo ee …   Etymology dictionary

  • Bowie Knife —    The Bowie knife, once called an Arkansas toothpick, is a dangerous weapon. It is a dagger, strongly made, with a one edged blade of some twelve inches in length that curves to a point. It has a heavy guard of horn between the hilt and the… …   Dictionary of eponyms

  • bowie knife — /boh ee, booh ee/ a heavy sheath knife having a long, single edged blade. [1830 40, Amer.; named after James BOWIE, for whom the knife was designed, either by James or his brother Rezin P. Bowie (1793 1841)] * * * …   Universalium

  • bowie knife — bow′ie knife [[t]ˈboʊ i, ˈbu i[/t]] n. cvb a heavy sheath knife having a long, single edged blade • Etymology: 1830–40, amer.; after James Bowie …   From formal English to slang

  • bowie knife — noun Etymology: James Bowie Date: 1836 a stout single edged hunting knife with part of the back edge curved concavely to a point and sharpened …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • bowie knife — [ bəʊi] noun a long knife with a blade double edged at the point. Origin C19: named after the American frontiersman Jim Bowie …   English new terms dictionary

  • bowie knife — /ˈboʊi naɪf/ (say bohee nuyf) noun a heavy sheath knife having a long, single edged blade. {named after James Bowie, 1796–1836, American pioneer} …  

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