Gallup poll

Gallup poll
[ʹgæləp|pəʋl,-{ʹgæləp}͵pəʋlıŋ] амер.
социологический анкетный опрос населения по различным вопросам, проводимый институтом общественного мнения Гэллапа или по его принципам

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

Игры ⚽ Поможем решить контрольную работу

Смотреть что такое "Gallup poll" в других словарях:

  • Gallup™ poll — UK US noun [S] TRADEMARK ► an opinion poll (= a study in which people are asked their opinions) produced by the Gallup™ organization: »According to a recent Gallup poll, 62% of investors say that energy costs are hurting the investment climate …   Financial and business terms

  • Gallup poll — ➔ poll1 …   Financial and business terms

  • Gallup poll — 1940, from George H. Gallup (1901 1984), U.S. journalist and statistician, who in 1935 set up the American Institute of Public Opinion …   Etymology dictionary

  • Gallup poll — ► NOUN trademark ▪ an assessment of public opinion by the questioning of a representative sample, used in forecasting voting results in an election. ORIGIN named after the American statistician George H. Gallup (1901 84) …   English terms dictionary

  • Gallup poll — The Gallup Poll is the division of Gallup that regularly conducts public opinion polls in the United States and more than 140 countries around the world. Gallup Polls are often referenced in the mass media as a reliable and objective measure of… …   Wikipedia

  • Gallup Poll —    The man who lent his name to the famous poll taking organization was George Horace Gallup (1901 1984). He was born in Jefferson, Iowa, and attended school in his native state, graduating from Iowa State University. He then became professor of… …   Dictionary of eponyms

  • Gallup poll — noun a) A poll of the opinion of randomly chosen persons, used to represent the opinion of the public, conducted by or one the companies he founded. Pity we live in the same century with that strange creature. Say, we have here two men who talked …   Wiktionary

  • Gallup poll — UK [ˈɡæləp ˌpəʊl] / US [ˈɡæləp ˌpoʊl] Word forms Gallup poll : singular Gallup poll plural Gallup polls trademark a way of finding out what most people think about an issue by asking a number of them questions, especially in order to find out how …   English dictionary

  • gallup poll — /ˈgæləp poʊl / (say galuhp pohl) noun → opinion poll. {from George Horace Gallup, 1901–84, US statistician who developed the poll} …  

  • Gallup poll — Gal′lup poll n. gov a representative sampling of public opinion or public awareness concerning a certain subject or issue • Etymology: 1935–40; after G. H. Gallup …   From formal English to slang

  • Gallup poll{™} — n a way of estimating the public opinion in a country by selecting a group of people that represents the whole country and asking them questions. Gallup polls are often used in predicting the results of elections. They are named after G H Gallup …   Universalium

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