Смотреть что такое "fully-fledged" в других словарях:
fully fledged — UK US (UK (US full fledged) ► completely developed, or having all the qualities necessary to be considered as something: »It s becoming increasingly possible to run a fully fledged business from home. »a fully fledged democracy/economy/member… … Financial and business terms
fully-fledged — ˈfully ˌfledged adjective something fully fledged is complete and total in its progress or development; = full fledged AmE: • Belgium was the first European country to possess a fully fledged rail network … Financial and business terms
fully-fledged — BrE .full fledged AmE adj [only before noun] completely developed, trained, or established ▪ After seven years of training she s now a fully fledged doctor … Dictionary of contemporary English
fully-fledged — adjective FULL FLEDGED … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
fully fledged — ► ADJECTIVE 1) with fully developed wing feathers and able to fly. 2) Brit. completely developed or established; of full status … English terms dictionary
fully fledged — adjective 1. (of a bird) having reached full development with fully grown adult plumage; ready to fly • Syn: ↑full fledged • Similar to: ↑fledged, ↑mature 2. (of persons, e.g.) having gained full status a full fledged lawyer … Useful english dictionary
fully-fledged — adjective especially BrE 1 completely developed, trained, or established; fullfledged (1) AmE : After seven years of training she s now a fully fledged doctor. 2 a young bird is fully fledged when it has grown all its feathers and can fly;… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
fully-fledged — UK / US adjective 1) completely developed a fully fledged riot/battle/problem 2) completely trained a fully fledged doctor 3) a fully fledged bird has grown all its feathers and is able to fly … English dictionary
fully-fledged — ADJ: ADJ n Fully fledged means complete or fully developed. Hungary is to have a fully fledged Stock Exchange from today … English dictionary
fully-fledged — /ˈfʊli flɛdʒd / (say foolee flejd) adjective 1. able to fly. 2. fully developed. 3. of full rank or standing. 4. fully qualified or established: *unless Australia gets a fully fledged syndicate together soon our most experienced personnel will be …
fully fledged — adjective 1》 with fully developed wing feathers and able to fly. 2》 Brit. completely developed or established; of full status … English new terms dictionary