- frost-free
- [͵trɒstʹfri:] a
1. метеор. безморозный2. тех. ненамораживающий (о холодильной установке)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
frost-free — (frôstʹfrēʹ, frŏstʹ ) adj. Requiring little or no defrosting: a frost free refrigerator. * * * … Universalium
Frost-free — Frost free, a. not accumulating frost; used especially of refrigerators with an automatic defrost cycle such that the freezer compartment remains free of ice without need for a manual defrosting. [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Frost-free — Certain bibcocks (sillcocks) are also known as frost frees. A frost free (also called Auto defrost or no frost) refrigerator or freezer incorporates technology to keep the unit from icing up.MechanismThe mechanism on a refrigerator involves… … Wikipedia
frost-free — adj. free of a buildup of ice without defrosting a frost free freezer … Useful english dictionary
frost-free — /ˈfrɒst fri/ (say frost free) adjective (of a refrigerator) never needing to be defrosted …
Frost-free-Technologie — Die auf unter 18°C gekühlte Luft wird durch Ventilation in den Gefrierraum geleitet. Dabei wird der Luft Feuchtigkeit entzogen, die als Tauwasser außerhalb des Geräts verdunstet. Dadurch bildet sich kein Reif auf Lebensmitteln und im Inneren.… … Wörterbuch für Hausgeräte
frost free refrigerator — Refrigerated cabinet which operates with an automatic defrost during each cycle … Dictionary of automotive terms
Free verse — is a term describing various styles of poetry that are written without using strict meter or rhyme, but that still are recognizable as poetry by virtue of complex patterns of one sort or another that readers will perceive to be part of a coherent … Wikipedia
Frost, Robert — ▪ American poet Introduction in full Robert Lee Frost born March 26, 1874, San Francisco, California, U.S. died January 29, 1963, Boston, Massachusetts American poet who was much admired for his depictions of the rural life of New England, his … Universalium
Frost diagram — A Frost diagram is an Oxidation State Free Energy Diagram (O.S.F.E), also known as an Eh pH diagram, due to its axial labellings, and is used in electrochemistry to illustrate the relative stability of a number of different oxidation states of a… … Wikipedia
Frost Art Museum — Infobox Museum name= Frost Art Museum Florida International University. imagesize= 300x250 map type= latitude= longitude= established= 1977 location= Florida International University Miami, Florida, United States type= Art museum, Sculpture park… … Wikipedia