- Frobisher Bay
- [ʹfrəʋbıʃəʹbeı] геогр.
залив Фробишер
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Frobisher Bay — is a relatively large inlet of the Labrador Sea in the southeastern corner of Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada. Its length is about 230 km and its width varies from about 40 km at its outlet into the Labrador Sea to roughly 20 km towards its inner… … Wikipedia
Frobisher Bay — [after FROBISHER Sir Martin] 1. inlet of the N Atlantic, on the SE coast of Baffin Island, Canada 2. former name for IQALUIT … English World dictionary
Frobisher Bay — [ frəʊbɪʃə beɪ], früherer Name für Iqaluit, Hauptort von Baffin Island, Kanada … Universal-Lexikon
Frobisher Bay — Die Frobisher Bucht zwischen den Halbinseln Meta Incognita und Hall Die Frobisher Bucht (engl.: Frobisher Bay) ist eine Meeresbucht, die von Südosten aus etwa 420 km in die Baffininsel in Nunavut im Nordosten Kanadas hineinreicht. Sie ist… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Frobisher Bay — Iqaluit 63° 45′ 01″ N 68° 31′ 57″ W / 63.750379, 68.532436 … Wikipédia en Français
Frobisher Bay — Sp Fròbišerio įlanka Ap Frobisher Bay L ŠV Atlante, prie Bafino s., Kanada (Nunavutas) … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė
Frobisher Bay — Sp Ikãluitas Ap Iqaluit Sp sen. Fròbišer Bėjus Ap Frobisher Bay L Kanados Nunavuto adm. ter. c. (Bafino s.) … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė
Frobisher Bay, Northwest Territories — Frobisher Bay may refer to:* Iqaluit, the territorial capital of Nunavut * Frobisher Bay, the inlet on which Iqaluit sits … Wikipedia
Frobisher Bay — bay connecting the eastern tip of Baffin Island (Canada) to the Atlantic Ocean … English contemporary dictionary
Frobisher Bay Air Base — For current usage of the base, see Iqaluit Airport. Frobisher Bay Air Base Frobisher Bay … Wikipedia
Frobisher Bay — an arm of the Atlantic Ocean extending NW into SE Baffin Island, Northwest Territories, Canada. * * * Inlet of the North Atlantic Ocean. Extending northwest from the southeastern tip of Baffin Island, Can., it is about 150 mi (240 km) long and… … Universalium