
[ʹfrɑ:nsı] n
Фрэнси, Франси (мужское и женское имя); см. Frances, Francis

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "Francie" в других словарях:

  • Francie — Formation progressive de la Francie. La Francie, (Francia en latin) désigne, à l époque des Carolingiens, le nom d une vaste région aux contours mal définis, recoupant la Neustrie et l Austrasie, autrement dit une région s étendant entre l… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Francie — This is a name of Roman Latin origins. It derives from Franciscus , which was originally both an ethnic name used to describe a Frank , later to be known as a Frenchman , and a personal name of the 5th century a.d., which means a free man . In… …   Surnames reference

  • Francie (Barbie doll) — Francie was a fashion doll issued by Mattel from 1966 to 1976. Marketed as Barbie s MODern cousin (sic), the doll had an extensive line of mod style clothing, often employing bright colors and geometric patterns similar to fashions associated… …   Wikipedia

  • Francie Orientale — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Francie. Francie orientale …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Francie Occidentale — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Francie. Partition de l empire carolingien après le traité de Verdun (Francie occidentale en vert) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Francie Larrieu Smith — (geb. Francis Ann Larrieu; * 23. November 1952 in Palo Alto) ist eine ehemalige US amerikanische Mittel und Langstreckenläuferin. Sie war die erste US Sportlerin, die sich fünfmal für die Olympischen Spielen qualifizierte. Als 13 Jährige fing sie …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Francie and Josie — was a double act performed by two Scottish comedians Rikki Fulton and Jack Milroy.The Adventures of Francie and Josie The Adventures of Francie and Josie was a tlevision programme guest starring Clement Ashby, Glen Michael, and Ethel Scott… …   Wikipedia

  • Francie Swift — (born November 30, [ birth year unknown, still living ] in Amarillo, Texas) is an American actress best known for the wide variety of roles she has played. infobox actor birthdate=November 30 birthplace=Amarillo, Texas occupation=Film, television …   Wikipedia

  • Francie Calfo — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Francie Calfo Personaje de Alias Última aparición Temporada 5 Episodio 17 Interpretado por Merrin Dungey Episodios 45 Información Sexo …   Wikipedia Español

  • Francie Swift — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Francie Swift Nacimiento 30 de noviembre Amarillo, Texas …   Wikipedia Español

  • Francie Schwartz — Francie Scwartz, born 1944, was an American scriptwritercite web|title = The White Album girlfriend tells all, including picture of Francie|url =|accessdate = 2008 09 20] and the former… …   Wikipedia

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