- fox-fire
- [͵fɒksʹfaıə] n амер.
фосфоресцирующий свет (гнилого дерева)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
fox-fire — also foxfire, late 15c., from FOX (Cf. fox) + FIRE (Cf. fire) (n.) … Etymology dictionary
fox fire — n. the luminescence of decaying wood and plant remains, caused by various fungi * * * … Universalium
fox fire — n. the luminescence of decaying wood and plant remains, caused by various fungi … English World dictionary
fox|fire — «FOKS FYR», noun. the phosphorescent light emitted by decaying timber, caused by fungi … Useful english dictionary
fox fire — Synonyms and related words: autoluminescence, backfire, balefire, beacon, beacon fire, bioluminescence, blaze, bonfire, burning ghat, campfire, cathode luminescence, cheerful fire, chemicoluminescence, chemiluminescence, combustion, conflagration … Moby Thesaurus
fox fire — noun Etymology: Middle English foxfire, from fox (I) + fire 1. : an eerie phosphorescent light; especially : the luminescence of decaying wood 2. : any of various luminous fungi ( … Useful english dictionary
fox fire — noun Date: 15th century an eerie phosphorescent light (as of decaying wood); also a luminous fungus (as Armillaria mellea) that causes decaying wood to glow … New Collegiate Dictionary
fox-fire — … Useful english dictionary
Ahrens-Fox Fire Engine Company — Infobox Company company name = Ahrens Fox Fire Engine Company company company type = Fire Apparatus Manufactuer foundation = 1911 location city = Cincinnati, Ohio location country = USA The Ahrens Fox Fire Engine Company dates back to the 1850s,… … Wikipedia
fire — Synonyms and related words: abandon, afflatus, afire, aflame, aggressiveness, agitate, aim at, air, air dry, alight, anhydrate, animate, animating spirit, animation, animus, annoy, antiaircraft fire, ardency, ardent, ardor, arouse, aroused, atom … Moby Thesaurus
Fox McCloud — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Fox McCloud Personaje de Star Fox Primera aparición Star Fox (1993) Creador(es) Shigeru Miyamoto Takaya Imamura Voz original Inglés: Dan Owsen (Star F … Wikipedia Español