- four-handed
- [͵fɔ:ʹhændıd] a
1. четверорукий (об обезьяне)2. для четырёх человек (об игре)3. разыгрываемый в четыре руки (на рояле)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Four-handed — may refer to:* Four handed All Fours, four player card game * Four handed chess, chess variant … Wikipedia
four-handed — [fôr′han΄did] adj. 1. having four hands 2. for four players, as some card games 3. Music for two performers, as a piano duet: Also four hand … English World dictionary
four-handed — ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ adjective 1. : having four hands : quadrumanous 2. : designed for execution by four hands a piano duet is a four handed musical composition 3. : requiring the participation of four persons a four handed game … Useful english dictionary
four-handed — adjective Date: circa 1770 1. engaged in by four persons < a four handed card game > 2. designed for four hands < a four handed piano piece > … New Collegiate Dictionary
four-handed — /fawr han did, fohr /, adj. 1. involving four hands or players, as a game at cards: Bridge is usually a four handed game. 2. intended for four hands, as a piece of music for the piano. 3. having four hands, or four feet adapted for use as hands;… … Universalium
Four-handed chess — A common four way chess board Genre(s) Chess variant Players 4 Random chance None Skill(s) required … Wikipedia
Four-handed All Fours — is a four player card game.Method of playThe players cut to decide who shall be partners;the two highest playing against the two lowest, andfacing each other, as at Whist. The right to thefirst deal is decided, by the cut, the highest… … Wikipedia
four-handed — four′ hand′ed or four′ hand adj. 1) involving four hands or players, as a game at cards 2) written for four hands, as a piece of music for the piano • Etymology: 1765–75 … From formal English to slang
four-handed — /ˈfɔ hændəd/ (say faw handuhd) adjective 1. involving four hands or players, as a game of cards. 2. intended for four hands, as a piece of music for the piano. 3. having four hands, or four feet adapted for use as hands; quadrumanous …
four-handed — (Roget s IV) modif. Syn. quadrumanous, for two players, involving four hands, rendering a duet … English dictionary for students
four handed — a. Quadrumanous … New dictionary of synonyms