
1. [ʹfɔ:flʌʃ] n
1) карт. флеш из четырёх карт
2) разг. притворство, очковтирательство; блеф
2. [ʹfɔ:flʌʃ] a
1) карт. блефующий
2) разг. очковтирательский; неподлинный
3. [͵fɔ:ʹflʌʃ] v карт.

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "four-flush" в других словарях:

  • four-flush — ☆ four flush [fôr′flush΄ ] vi. 1. Stud Poker to bluff when one holds four cards of the same suit (four flush) instead of the five in a true flush 2. Informal to pretend to be, have, or intend something so as to deceive; bluff four flusher n …   English World dictionary

  • four-flush — four′ flush v. i. 1) to bluff 2) gam to bluff in poker on the basis of a four flush four′ flush er, n …   From formal English to slang

  • four-flush|er — «FR FLUHSH uhr, FOHR », noun. 1. a person who has or bets on a four flush. 2. Slang. a person who pretends to be more or other than he really is; bluffer. ╂[American English < four flush + er1] …   Useful english dictionary

  • four flush — four′ flush n. gam a hand in poker having four cards of one suit and one of another; an imperfect flush • Etymology: 1885–90, amer …   From formal English to slang

  • four-flush — intransitive verb Etymology: four flush : to make a false claim : bluff no beating around the bush and pretending and four flushing American Mercury * * * /fawr flush , fohr /, v.i. 1. to bluff. 2. Poker. to bluff on the basis of a four flush.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • four-flush — /fawr flush , fohr /, v.i. 1. to bluff. 2. Poker. to bluff on the basis of a four flush. [1895 1900, Amer.] * * * …   Universalium

  • four-flush — intransitive verb Date: 1896 to bluff in poker holding a four flush; broadly to make a false claim ; bluff • four flusher noun …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • four-flush — /ˈfɔ flʌʃ/ (say faw flush) noun 1. Poker four cards of a possible flush, which, with one card of a different suit, make up a hand; an imperfect flush. 2. Colloquial a bluff (bluff2) …  

  • four flush — Poker. a hand having four cards of one suit and one card of another suit; an imperfect flush. [1885 90, Amer.] * * * …   Universalium

  • four-flush — N. Amer. noun a poker hand of little value, having four cards of the same suit and one of another. verb informal keep up a pretence. Derivatives four flusher noun …   English new terms dictionary

  • four flush — noun Date: 1887 four cards of the same suit in a 5 card poker hand …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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