- fly-loft
- [ʹflaılɒft] n театр.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
fly loft — fly′ loft n. sbz fly I, 30) … From formal English to slang
fly-loft — /ˈflaɪ lɒft/ (say fluy loft) noun the portion of a theatre building above the stage into which scenery may be raised …
fly loft — Theat. fly1 (def. 37). * * * … Universalium
fly loft — noun : the flies of a theater * * * Theat. fly1 (def. 37) … Useful english dictionary
Fly system — Fly loft of the Theater Bielefeld in Germany A fly system, flying system or theatrical rigging system, is a system of lines (e.g. ropes), blocks (pulleys), counterweights and related devices within a theatre that enable a stage crew to quickly,… … Wikipedia
fly — I v 1. take wing, wing one s way, take off, take to the air, become airborne; soar, sail, zoom, cruise, coast, sweep, skim, Inf. kite; glide, plane, volplane, sailplane; dart, flit, flirt, hop, volitate. 2. float, hover, drift, hang, poise, float … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
Loft — For other uses, see Loft (disambiguation). A former warehouse for printing presses converted to a loft apartment on Chicago s Near West Side. A loft can be an upper story or attic in a building, directly under the roof. Alternatively, a loft… … Wikipedia
fly — fly1 flyable, adj. flyability, n. /fluy/, v., flew or, for 11, 19, flied, flown, flying, n., pl. flies. v.i. 1. to move through the air using wings … Universalium
fly — I [[t]flaɪ[/t]] v. flew, for11, 19, flied, flown, fly•ing, 1) to move through the air using wings 2) to be carried through the air or through space by any force or agency 3) to float or flutter in the air: flags flying in the breeze[/ex] 4) aer.… … From formal English to slang
Fly captain — A fly captain is known as the fly man in theaters in the US Canada. The fly man is in charge of a fly crew which operates a fly system in a theatrical production. Ordinarily a fly man will coordinate with the set designer to get flying scenery… … Wikipedia
Fly crew — A fly crew operates a fly rail during a theatrical production. Their responsibilities include bringing battens in and out and keeping the fly system in balance.afetyThe job is often dangerous and carries a high degree of risk due to the large… … Wikipedia