- bounteous
- [ʹbaʋntıəs] a книжн.
1. щедрый
bounteous giver - дающий щедрой рукой
2. достаточный; обильный, щедрыйbounteous harvest - обильный урожай
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
bounteous giver - дающий щедрой рукой
bounteous harvest - обильный урожай
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Bounteous — Boun te*ous, a. [OE. bountevous, fr. bounte bounty.] Liberal in charity; disposed to give freely; generously liberal; munificent; beneficent; free in bestowing gifts; as, bounteous production. [1913 Webster] But O, thou bounteous Giver of all… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bounteous — index benevolent, charitable (benevolent), humane, liberal (generous), philanthropic, profuse … Law dictionary
bounteous — late 14c., from BOUNTY (Cf. bounty) + OUS (Cf. ous); originally full of goodness, but always shading toward generous in bestowing, a sense which might have been left to BOUNTIFUL (Cf. bountiful). Related: Bounteously; bounteousness … Etymology dictionary
bounteous — ► ADJECTIVE archaic ▪ bountiful. DERIVATIVES bounteously adverb bounteousness noun. ORIGIN from Old French bontif benevolent , from bonte «bounty, goodness» … English terms dictionary
bounteous — [boun′tē əs] adj. [ME bountevous < OFr bontive: see BOUNTY; modern sp. as if < BOUNTY] 1. giving freely and generously, without restraint 2. provided in abundance; plentiful bounteously adv. bounteousness n … English World dictionary
bounteous — bountiful, bounteous generous, openhanded, munificent, *liberal, handsome Analogous words: *charitable, philanthropic, benevolent: prodigal, lavish (see PROFUSE) Antonyms: niggardly Contrasted words: *stingy, parsimonious, penurious, close,… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
bounteous — adj. poet. 1 generous, liberal. 2 freely given (bounteous affection). Derivatives: bounteously adv. bounteousness n. Etymology: ME f. OF bontif f. bonteacute BOUNTY after plenteous … Useful english dictionary
bounteous — adjective Etymology: Middle English bountevous, bounteuous, from Anglo French bontive kind, from bunté Date: 14th century 1. giving or disposed to give freely 2. liberally bestowed • bounteously adverb • bounteousness noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
bounteous — bounteously, adv. bounteousness, n. /bown tee euhs/, adj. 1. giving or disposed to give freely; generous; liberal. 2. freely bestowed; plentiful; abundant. [1325 75; late ME (bounte BOUNTY + ous); r. ME bountevous < MF bontive (bonte BOUNTY + ive … Universalium
bounteous — adjective a) inclined to be generous b) liberal or abundant … Wiktionary
bounteous — I (Roget s 3 Superthesaurus) see bountiful II (Roget s Thesaurus II) adjective Characterized by abundance: abundant, ample, bountiful, copious, generous, heavy, plenitudinous, plenteous, plentiful, substantial, voluminous. See BIG, GIVE, RICH … English dictionary for students