- five-finger
- 1. [ʹfaıv͵fıŋgə] n
1. = cinquefoil 22. = finger-fish2. [ʹfaıv͵fıŋgə] aпроизводимый всеми пальцами
five-finger exercise - музыкальное упражнение для пальцев
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
five-finger exercise - музыкальное упражнение для пальцев
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Five-finger — Five fin ger (f[imac]v f[i^][ng] g[ e]r), n. 1. (Bot.) See {Cinquefoil}. [1913 Webster] 2. (Zo[ o]l.) A starfish with five rays, esp. {Asterias rubens}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
five-finger — [fīv′fiŋ΄gər] n. [OE fiffingre] any of various plants having leaves with five parts or flowers with five petals; esp., the cinquefoils and WOODBINE (sense 2) … English World dictionary
five-finger — Starfish Star fish ( f[i^]sh ), n. 1. (Zo[ o]l.) Any one of numerous species of echinoderms belonging to the class Asterioidea, in which the body is star shaped and usually has five rays, though the number of rays varies from five to forty or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
five-finger — Cinquefoil Cinque foil , n. [Cinque five + foil, F. feuille leaf. See {Foil}.] 1. (Bot.) The name of several different species of the genus {Potentilla}; also called {five finger}, because of the resemblance of its leaves to the fingers of the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
five-finger — apvaliagalvis sargas statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Diplodus globiceps angl. five finger; white stumpnose rus. круглоголовый сарг ryšiai: platesnis terminas – auksaspalviai sargai … Žuvų pavadinimų žodynas
Five Finger Death Punch — Pays d’origine Los Angeles, Californie, & … Wikipédia en Français
Five Finger Death Punch — Основная информация Жанр … Википедия
Five Finger Death Punch — bei Metal H … Deutsch Wikipedia
Five Finger Mountain — is a mountain of solid rock in Absheron, Azerbaijan. It s one of the most famous mountains in the Caucasus and is known for its mythical stories.ee also* Nature of Azerbaijan * Orography of Azerbaijan … Wikipedia
five-finger — five′ fin ger n. pln any of certain plants, as the cinquefoil and Virginia creeper, having leaves of five leaflets or flowers with five petals … From formal English to slang
Five Finger Death Punch — performing at 2010 s Metal Hammer Golden God … Wikipedia