- fish-gig
- [ʹfıʃgıg] n
багор с крючком
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
fish gig — 1) a pole with barbed prongs for striking fish. Loaded at the end with lead 2) an arrangement of hooks dragged through the water to foul hook fish … Dictionary of ichthyology
fish-gig — 1) a pole with barbed prongs for striking fish. Loaded at the end with lead 2) an arrangement of hooks dragged through the water to foul hook fish … Dictionary of ichthyology
fish gig — n. fizgig, spiky pole for spearing fish … English contemporary dictionary
fish-gig — … Useful english dictionary
gig — an·a·gig·nos·kom·e·na; fish·gig; fiz·gig; flirt·i·gig; gig·ar·ti·na; gig·ar·ti·na·ce·ae; gig·ar·ti·na·les; gig; gig·ger; gig·gler; gig·gling·ly; gig·gly; gig·let; gig·o·lo; gig·ot; twirl·i·gig; gig·gle; whirl·i·gig; gig·lot; … English syllables
fish — bony·fish; chen·fish; cray·fish; fish; fish·abil·i·ty; fish·able; fish·ber·ry; fish·er; fish·er·man; fish·ery; fish·gig; fish·hook; fish·ify; fish·i·ly; fish·man; fish·plate; gore·fish; gui·tar·fish; kil·li·fish; king·fish·er; klip·fish;… … English syllables
gig — gig1 [gig] n. [ME gigge, whirligig, prob. < Scand, as in Dan gig, whirling object, top, Norw dial. giga, to shake, totter < IE * gheigh < base * ghei , to gape > GAPE, GIGGLE] 1. a light, two wheeled, open carriage drawn by one horse… … English World dictionary
Gig — Gig, v. t. To fish with a gig. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
gig — gig1 /gig/, n., v., gigged, gigging. n. 1. a light, two wheeled one horse carriage. 2. Naut. a. a light boat rowed with four, six, or eight long oars. b. a boat reserved for the use of the captain of a ship. 3. something that whirls. 4. Also… … Universalium
gig — I [[t]gɪg[/t]] n. v. gigged, gig•ging 1) trs a light, two wheeled one horse carriage 2) naut. navig. a light boat rowed with four, six, or eight long oars 3) something that whirls 4) to ride in a gig • Etymology: 1200–50; ME gigge, gig flighty… … From formal English to slang
gig — I. /gɪg / (say gig) noun 1. Nautical a. a long, fast pulling boat used especially for racing. b. the boat reserved for a ship s captain. 2. a light, two wheeled one horse carriage. –verb (i) (gigged, gigging) 3. to ride in a gig. {origin unknown} …