- boulangerite
- [bu:ʹlɑ:ndʒəraıt] n мин.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Boulangerite — Bou*lan ger*ite, n. [From Boulanger, a French mineralogist.] (Min.) A mineral of a bluish gray color and metallic luster, usually in plumose masses, also compact. It is a sulphide of antimony and lead. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Boulangerite — is a mineral, lead antimony sulfide, formula Pb5Sb4S11. It was named in 1837 honor of French mining engineer Charles Boulanger. It forms metallic grey monoclinic crystals. Sometimes the crystals form a fine feathery mass which has been called… … Wikipedia
boulangerite — bulanžeritas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Mineralas. formulė Pb₅Sb₄S₁₁ atitikmenys: angl. boulangerite rus. буланжерит … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
boulangerite — /booh lan jeuh ruyt /, n. a bluish lead gray mineral, lead antimony sulfide, Pb5Sb4S11, a minor ore of lead. [named after C. L. Boulanger (1810 49), French mining engineer; see ITE1] * * * … Universalium
boulangerite — noun A lead antimony sulfide mineral that forms metallic grey monoclinic crystals … Wiktionary
boulangerite — bou·lan·ger·ite … English syllables
boulangerite — büˈlanjəˌrīt noun ( s) Etymology: German boulangerit, from C.L. Boulanger died 1849 French mining engineer + German it ite : a bluish gray metallic looking mineral Pb5Sb4S11 consisting of antimony lead sulfide occurring usually in plumose masses… … Useful english dictionary
Boulangerit — Einige Calcite auf einem Bett aus Boulangerit aus der Stari Trg Mine, Trepča, Kosovo Chemische Formel Pb5Sb4S11 … Deutsch Wikipedia
SULFURES ET SULFOSELS NATURELS — Le soufre se combine avec la plupart des éléments métalliques pour constituer les sulfures et les sulfosels. Le sélénium et le tellure sont aussi susceptibles de former avec certains métaux des composés, les séléniures et tellurures , inclus dans … Encyclopédie Universelle
List of minerals A-B (complete) — It is currently not possible to have a complete list of minerals . The International Mineralogical Association is the international group that recognises new minerals and new mineral names, however minerals discovered before 1959 did not go… … Wikipedia
Буланжерит — [по фам. Буланже] м л, Pb5Sb4S11. Примеси Cu, Fe. Мон. К лы игольчатые или призм. Сп. сов. по {100}. Агр. зернистые, волокн., перистые. Синевато свинцово серый до черного. Черта серо черная с красноватым оттенком. Бл. метал. Тв. 2,5 3. Уд. в. 6,0 … Геологическая энциклопедия