- fence-month
- [ʹfensmʌnθ] = fense-season
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Fence month — Fence Fence (f[e^]ns), n. [Abbrev. from defence.] 1. That which fends off attack or danger; a defense; a protection; a cover; security; shield. [1913 Webster] Let us be backed with God and with the seas, Which he hath given for fence impregnable … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fence-month — fence month, or defense month In old English law, a period of time, occurring in the middle of summer, during which it was unlawful to hunt deer in the forest, that being their fawning season. Probably so called because the deer were then… … Black's law dictionary
fence-month — fence month, or defense month In old English law, a period of time, occurring in the middle of summer, during which it was unlawful to hunt deer in the forest, that being their fawning season. Probably so called because the deer were then… … Black's law dictionary
fence month — noun : the closed season for deer in England lasting from June 9 to July 9 * * * fence month noun Close season • • • Main Entry: ↑fence … Useful english dictionary
fence month — a closed season for fishing (archaic, more used for deer but by analogy applied to fishing too) … Dictionary of ichthyology
Fence — (f[e^]ns), n. [Abbrev. from defence.] 1. That which fends off attack or danger; a defense; a protection; a cover; security; shield. [1913 Webster] Let us be backed with God and with the seas, Which he hath given for fence impregnable. Shak. [1913 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fence roof — Fence Fence (f[e^]ns), n. [Abbrev. from defence.] 1. That which fends off attack or danger; a defense; a protection; a cover; security; shield. [1913 Webster] Let us be backed with God and with the seas, Which he hath given for fence impregnable … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fence time — Fence Fence (f[e^]ns), n. [Abbrev. from defence.] 1. That which fends off attack or danger; a defense; a protection; a cover; security; shield. [1913 Webster] Let us be backed with God and with the seas, Which he hath given for fence impregnable … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Rail fence — Fence Fence (f[e^]ns), n. [Abbrev. from defence.] 1. That which fends off attack or danger; a defense; a protection; a cover; security; shield. [1913 Webster] Let us be backed with God and with the seas, Which he hath given for fence impregnable … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ring fence — Fence Fence (f[e^]ns), n. [Abbrev. from defence.] 1. That which fends off attack or danger; a defense; a protection; a cover; security; shield. [1913 Webster] Let us be backed with God and with the seas, Which he hath given for fence impregnable … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
snake fence — Fence Fence (f[e^]ns), n. [Abbrev. from defence.] 1. That which fends off attack or danger; a defense; a protection; a cover; security; shield. [1913 Webster] Let us be backed with God and with the seas, Which he hath given for fence impregnable … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English