- fen-man
- [ʹfen|mən] n (pl -men [-{ʹfen}mən])
житель Болотного края [см. fenland 2)]
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
fen|man — «FEHN muhn», noun, plural men. an inhabitant of fens or marshes … Useful english dictionary
fen-man — … Useful english dictionary
fen — af·fen·pin·scher; de·fen·es·tra·tion; de·fen·si·bil·i·ty; de·fen·si·ble; de·fen·sor; de·fen·sor·ship; de·fen·so·ry; dief·fen·bach·ia; ef·fen·di; fen·chene; fen·chol; fen·chone; fen·chyl; fen·der·less; fen·es·tel·la; fen·es·tel·lid;… … English syllables
Fen skating — is a traditional form of ice skating in the Fenland of England. The Fens of East Anglia, with their meres and washes, networks of drainage ditches, slow flowing rivers and easily flooded meadows, form an ideal skating terrain. Skates were… … Wikipedia
Fen \x26 jag — Fen jag «Fen jag» Сингл Хелены Юсефссон Выпущен … Википедия
Fen & jag — «Fen jag» Сингл Хелены Юсефссон Выпущен … Википедия
Fen Rivers Way — Infobox Hiking trail Name=Fen Rivers Way Photo=Kings lynn river great ouse.jpg Caption=King s Lynn lies at a trailhead Location=Eastern England, United Kingdom Length=Convert|50|mi|0 Start/End Points=Cambridge, Cambridgeshire King s Lynn, Norfolk … Wikipedia
Fen — A fen is a type of wetland fed by surface and/or groundwater. Fens are characterized by their water chemistry, which is neutral or alkaline. Fens are different from bogs, which are acidic, fed primarily by rainwater (ombrotrophic) and often… … Wikipedia
Fen (disambiguation) — The term fen or the acronym FEN can refer to:* Fen, a type of wetland, similar to a marsh or bog. * Fen (name), a Chinese given name *Fen Barefoot, a character in the Battle Arena Toshinden video game series * An invented alternative plural of… … Wikipedia
Paeonia 'Fen Yu Nu' — Эта статья предлагается к удалению. Пояснение причин и соответствующее обсуждение вы можете найти на странице Википедия:К удалению/13 июня 2012. Пока процесс обсуждения … Википедия
Wicken Fen — is a wetland nature reserve situated near the village of Wicken, Cambridgeshire, England. It is one of Britain s oldest nature reserves, and was the first reserve acquired by the National Trust, in 1899. The reserve includes fenland, farmland,… … Wikipedia