- feather-work
- [ʹfeðəwɜ:k] n
1. 1) искусство изготовления изделий из перьев; отделка перьями2) изделие из перьев2. = featherstitch
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
feather-work — … Useful english dictionary
feather-bed — ˌfeather ˈbed f10 [feather bed feather beds feather bedded feather bedding] verb ( dd )feather bed sb/sth (BrE … Useful english dictionary
feather bedding — n [U] the practice of letting workers keep their jobs even if they are not needed or do not work well … Dictionary of contemporary English
feather your own nest — feather (your) own nest to dishonestly use your position at work to get a lot of money for yourself. What angers him most of all is the implication that he has been feathering his own nest … New idioms dictionary
feather own nest — feather (your) own nest to dishonestly use your position at work to get a lot of money for yourself. What angers him most of all is the implication that he has been feathering his own nest … New idioms dictionary
Feather — For other uses, see Feather (disambiguation). Feather variations Feathers are one of the epidermal growths that form the distinctive outer covering, or plumage, on birds and some theropod dinosaurs. They are considered the most complex… … Wikipedia
Feather duster — High quality ostrich feather duster A feather duster is an implement used for cleaning. It consists typically of a wooden dowel handle and feathers from either the male or female ostrich bird that are wound onto the handle by a wrapped wire.… … Wikipedia
feather bed — noun a mattress stuffed with feathers • Syn: ↑featherbed • Hypernyms: ↑mattress * * * noun Etymology: Middle English fetherbed, from fether feather + bed ( … Useful english dictionary
Feather, Leonard Geoffrey — ▪ 1995 British jazz critic and songwriter (b. Sept. 13, 1914, London, England d. Sept. 22, 1994, Los Angeles, Calif.), compiled the standard reference work The Encyclopedia of Jazz (1955), a several times revised and expanded work offering… … Universalium
feather bedding — noun (U) the practice of letting workers keep their jobs even if they are not needed or do not work well … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Lorraine Feather — Billie Lorraine Feather (b. September 10, 1948) [cite web|url=http://www.allaboutjazz.com/php/musician.php?id=2609 |title=Lorraine Feather at All About Jazz|publisher=AllAboutJazz.com] is a lyricist/songwriter. She was born in Manhattan. Her… … Wikipedia