- far-seeing
- [͵fɑ:ʹsi:ıŋ] a
дальновидный, прозорливый, предусмотрительный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
far-seeing — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ having shrewd judgement and foresight … English terms dictionary
far-seeing — far seeˈing adjective Able to foresee future events • • • Main Entry: ↑far … Useful english dictionary
far-seeing — /ˈfa siɪŋ/ (say fah seeing) adjective 1. having foresight; sagacious; discerning. 2. able to see far; far sighted …
far-seeing — adjective having shrewd judgement and foresight … English new terms dictionary
far-see|ing — «FAHR SEE ihng», adjective. 1. able to see far; far sighted. 2. Figurative. looking ahead; planning wisely for the future; far sighted: »His keen and far seeing judgment perceived clearly his true interest (William Lecky). SYNONYM(S): prudent,… … Useful english dictionary
far-sighted — ► ADJECTIVE 1) far seeing. 2) N. Amer. long sighted … English terms dictionary
FAR — adv. & adj. (further, furthest or farther, farthest) adv. 1 at or to or by a great distance (far away; far off; far out). 2 a long way (off) in space or time (are you travelling far?; we talked far into the night). 3 to a great extent or degree;… … Useful english dictionary
far — adv. & adj. (further, furthest or farther, farthest) adv. 1 at or to or by a great distance (far away; far off; far out). 2 a long way (off) in space or time (are you travelling far?; we talked far into the night). 3 to a great extent or degree;… … Useful english dictionary
far-sighted — adjective 1》 far seeing. 2》 N. Amer. long sighted. Derivatives far sightedly adverb far sightedness noun … English new terms dictionary
far-sighted — a. 1. Long sighted. 2. Of great foresight, far seeing, penetrating to remote consequences … New dictionary of synonyms
far-sighted — adj 1. long sighted, Ophthalm. hypermetropic, Obs. presbyopic. 2. prescient, foresighted, far seeing, anticipatory; wise, sagacious, shrewd, acute, discerning; sensible, thoughtful, provident, prudent, discreet, judicious, cautious, watchful … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder