- bottom out
- [ʹbɒtəmʹaʋt] phr v
достичь нижнего предела (экономического кризиса) перед фазой оживления
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
bottom out — {v. phr.} To reach the lowest point (said chiefly of economic cycles). * /According to the leading economic indicators the recession will bottom out within the next two months./ … Dictionary of American idioms
bottom out — {v. phr.} To reach the lowest point (said chiefly of economic cycles). * /According to the leading economic indicators the recession will bottom out within the next two months./ … Dictionary of American idioms
bottom out — verb 1. reach the low point Prices bottomed out and started to rise again after a while • Ant: ↑top out • Hypernyms: ↑reach, ↑make, ↑attain, ↑hit, ↑arrive at, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
bottom out — phrasal verb [intransitive] Word forms bottom out : present tense I/you/we/they bottom out he/she/it bottoms out present participle bottoming out past tense bottomed out past participle bottomed out if something such as an economy or price… … English dictionary
bottom out — UK US bottom out Phrasal Verb with bottom({{}}/ˈbɒtəm/ verb ► to reach the lowest point in a continuously changing level that is about to start rising or increasing again: »He believes the economic slump has bottomed out, and the economy will… … Financial and business terms
bottom out — PHRASAL VERB If a trend such as a fall in prices bottoms out, it stops getting worse or decreasing, and remains at a particular level or amount. [JOURNALISM] [V P] He expects the recession to bottom out... [V P] House prices have bottomed out.… … English dictionary
bottom out — go down to the bottom, arrive at the low point The recession will bottom out by the end of the year … English idioms
bottom out — 1. to reach a level that is as low as it will be. Temperatures will bottom out in the teens tonight and reach the mid 20s by noon tomorrow. 2. to become as bad as it will be. Has the economy bottomed out, and how fast will it recover? … New idioms dictionary
bottom out — phr verb Bottom out is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑market, ↑recession … Collocations dictionary
bottom\ out — v. phr. To reach the lowest point (said chiefly of economic cycles). According to the leading economic indicators the recession will bottom out within the next two months … Словарь американских идиом
bottom out (to) — Reach lowest point or price. ► “The RN Office Market Index was slow to register price declines when the markets first weakened and then overstated the rate of decline once the market began to bottom out.” (Real Estate Economics, Summer 1995, p … American business jargon