- ever-
- [ʹevə-]
в сложных словах имеет значение постоянный:
everblooming - цветущий круглый год
evergreen - вечнозелёный
eversporting - непрерывно выщепляющий рецессивные формы (в генетике)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
everblooming - цветущий круглый год
evergreen - вечнозелёный
eversporting - непрерывно выщепляющий рецессивные формы (в генетике)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Ever — Ev eradv. [OE. ever, [ae]fre, AS. [ae]fre; perh. akin to AS. [=a] always. Cf. {Aye}, {Age},{Evry}, {Never}.] [Sometimes contracted into {e er}.] 1. At any time; at any period or point of time. [1913 Webster] No man ever yet hated his own flesh.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ever so — Ever Ev eradv. [OE. ever, [ae]fre, AS. [ae]fre; perh. akin to AS. [=a] always. Cf. {Aye}, {Age},{Evry}, {Never}.] [Sometimes contracted into {e er}.] 1. At any time; at any period or point of time. [1913 Webster] No man ever yet hated his own… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
EveR-1 — ( ko. 에버원) is the world s second female android (gynoid), developed by a team of South Korean scientists from the [http://eng.kitech.re.kr/ Korea Institute of Industrial Technology] in Korea University of Science and Technology. The project is… … Wikipedia
ever — 1. as intensifier. In informal conversation ever is sometimes used as an intensifier immediately after an interrogative word such as who, what, why, etc.: Who ever can that be? / What ever did you say to him? / Why ever should you think that?… … Modern English usage
ever — [ev′ər] adv. [ME < OE æfre, prob. < WGmc bases of OE a, always, ever (see AYE1) + ? feorr, FAR] 1. at all times; always [lived happily ever after] 2. at any time [have you ever seen an eclipse?] 3. at all; by any chance; in any way … English World dictionary
ever — ► ADVERB 1) at any time. 2) used in comparisons for emphasis: better than ever. 3) always. 4) increasingly; constantly: ever larger sums. 5) used for emphasis in questions expressing astonishment: why ever did you do it? ● ever and anon … English terms dictionary
Ever — can refer to:* Ever is an adverb in the English language. * Eber (Standard Hebrew: unicode|ʿÉver) is a character in the Bible. * Ever is a Marvel Comics character. * Ever , an album by Love Spirals Downwards. * Ever , an album by the British… … Wikipedia
ever- — [ evər ] prefix always or continuously: used with many adjectives and ing verb forms: paintings by Picasso, Renoir, and the ever popular Van Gogh the ever changing countryside ever increasing numbers of students … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
ever — O.E. æfre ever, at any time, always; no cognates in any other Germanic language; perhaps a contraction of a in feore, lit. ever in life (the expression a to fore is common in O.E. writings). First element is almost certainly related to O.E. a… … Etymology dictionary
ever- — UK [evə(r)] US [evər] prefix always or continuously used with many adjectives and ‘ ing’ verb forms paintings by Picasso, Renoir, and the ever popular Van Gogh the ever changing countryside ever increasing numbers of students Thesaurus: prefixes … Useful english dictionary
Ever — ist der Familienname von: Valter Ever (1902 1981), estnischer Leichtathlet Ita Ever (* 1931), estnische Schauspielerin Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begriffe … Deutsch Wikipedia