- bottleneck guitar
- bottleneck (guitar)
1> способ игры на гитаре (к струнам прижимают металлическую
пластинку или горло бутылки)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
bottleneck guitar — noun A technique of playing guitar by sliding a metal tube, or (originally) a glass bottleneck, along the guitar strings to alter the pitch. Syn: slide guitar … Wiktionary
bottleneck guitar — noun see bottleneck II … New Collegiate Dictionary
bottleneck guitar — noun see bottleneck IV … Useful english dictionary
bottleneck guitar — /ˈbɒtlnɛk gəta/ (say botlnek guhtah) noun → slide guitar (def. 1). {so called from the practice of using the neck of a glass bottle as a slide} …
Guitar tunings — Guitar standard tuning, shown one octave higher than actual pitch. (E2.A2.D3.G3.B3.e4) Guitar tunings almost always refers to the pitch of the open ( unfretted ) string, though some tunings may only realistically be attained by the use of a capo… … Wikipedia
bottleneck — I. adjective Date: 1896 narrow < bottleneck harbors > II. noun Date: 1907 1. a. a narrow route b. a point of traffic congestion 2. a. someone or something tha … New Collegiate Dictionary
Bottleneck — en métal. Sur les autres projets Wikimedia : « Bottleneck », sur le Wiktionnaire (dictionnaire universel) Un bottleneck est un tube souvent de verre ou de … Wikipédia en Français
Bottleneck (Guitare) — Bottleneck en métal Bottleneck est un terme qui vient de l anglais et qui signifie littéralement « goulot de bouteille. » Il s agit d un tube de verre, de métal ou de plastique que le guitariste place sur un doigt de la main gauche… … Wikipédia en Français
Bottleneck (guitare) — Bottleneck en métal Bottleneck est un terme qui vient de l anglais et qui signifie littéralement « goulot de bouteille. » Il s agit d un tube de verre, de métal ou de plastique que le guitariste place sur un doigt de la main gauche… … Wikipédia en Français
bottleneck — [bät′ lnek΄] n. 1. the neck of a bottle 2. any place, as a narrow road, where traffic is slowed up or halted 3. any point at which movement or progress is slowed up because much must be funneled through it [a bottleneck in production] adj. ☆… … English World dictionary
bottleneck — /bot l nek /, n. 1. a narrow entrance or passageway. 2. a place or stage in a process at which progress is impeded. 3. Also called slide guitar. a method of guitar playing that produces a gliding sound by pressing a metal bar or glass tube… … Universalium