- Euphrates
- [jʋʹfreıti:z] n геогр.
р. Евфрат
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
EUPHRATES — (Heb. פְּרָת; Dead Sea Scrolls Pwrt; from Akk. Purattu and Sumerian Buranun), the longest river (c. 1,700 mi., 2,700 km.) in Western Asia. In texts from the third millennium B.C.E. from Mari the river occurs as a deity. From its sources in… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Euphrates — prop. n. an Asia river flowing into the Persian Gulf. Syn: Euphrates River. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Euphrates — Euphrates, der zweite bekannte Bischof von Köln, stammte wohl aus dem Osten. Er war Nachfolger des Maternus und dürfte zwischen dem Ende der 320er Jahre und der Mitte der 340er Jahre in Köln Bischof gewesen sein. Er nahm am Konzil von Serdica… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Euphrates — O.E. Eufrate, from Gk. Euphrates, from O.Pers. Ufratu, perhaps from Avestan huperethuua good to cross over, from hu good + peretu ford. But Kent says probably a popular etymologizing in O.P. of a local non Iranian name [ Old Persian, p.176]. In… … Etymology dictionary
Euphrates — Euphrates, Fluß, s. Euphrat … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Euphrātes — Euphrātes, 1) E., aus Alexandria, Stoiker, Verehrer des Apollonios von Tyana, bald aber dessen bitterer Feind; lebte theils in Syrien, theils am Hofe des Kaisers Hadrian. 2) E., angeblicher Stifter der Ophiten … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Euphrates — [yo͞o frāt′ēz] river flowing from EC Turkey generally southward through Syria & Iraq, joining the Tigris to form the Shatt al Arab: c. 1,700 mi (2,736 km) … English World dictionary
Euphrates — For the song River Euphrates by the Pixies, see Surfer Rosa. Coordinates: 31°0′18″N 47°26′31″E / 31.005°N 47.44194°E / 31 … Wikipedia
EUPHRATES — I. EUPHRATES Mesopotamiae fluv. celeberrimus, et maximus. Magnitudinem eius innuit Callimach. Hymn. 2. Α῀ςςυρίου ποταμοῖο μέγας ῥόος. Itemque Dionys. Φαίνετ᾿ ἀπειρεσίου ποταυμοῦ ῥόος Ε᾿υφρήταο. Maior siquidem est Tigride, sicut resert Strab. l. 2 … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Euphrates — Hebrew, Perath; Assyrian, Purat; Persian cuneiform, Ufratush, whence Greek Euphrates, meaning sweet water. The Assyrian name means the stream, or the great stream. It is generally called in the Bible simply the river (Ex. 23:31), or the great… … Easton's Bible Dictionary
EUPHRATES — Together with the Tigris, the most important river that defined the borders of Mesopotamia. The Euphrates has its source in the mountains of Anatolia, which receive substantial amounts of snowfall in the winter. The river was called purattu in … Historical Dictionary of Mesopotamia