- edaphic
- [ıʹdæfık] a спец.
1) почвенный; эдафический2) местный, локальный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
edaphic — [ē daf′ik, idaf′ik] adj. [< Gr edaphos, soil, earth, bottom (prob. < or akin to hedos, seat, chair < IE * sedos < base * sed , SIT) + IC] Ecol. pertaining to the chemical and physical characteristics of the soil, without reference to… … English World dictionary
Edaphic — In ecology, edaphic refers to plant communities that are distinguished by soil conditions rather than by the climate. Edaphic plant communities include:* Sandy soils: plant communities distinct to sandy, acidic, nutrient poor soils include the… … Wikipedia
edaphic factor — noun Any property of the soil, physical or chemical, that influences plants growing on that soil • • • Main Entry: ↑edaphic … Useful english dictionary
edaphic climax — noun : an ecological climax resulting from soil factors and commonly persisting through cycles of climatic and physiographic change compare physiographic climax * * * Ecol. a localized climax community that may differ from the surrounding climax… … Useful english dictionary
edaphic — adjective Etymology: Greek edaphos bottom, ground Date: circa 1900 1. of or relating to the soil 2. resulting from or influenced by the soil rather than the climate compare climatic 2 • edaphically adverb … New Collegiate Dictionary
edaphic — adj. [Gr. edaphos, soil] Relating to, or belonging to the soil or substratum … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
edaphic — edaphically, adv. /i daf ik/, adj. related to or caused by particular soil conditions, as of texture or drainage, rather than by physiographic or climatic factors. [ < G edaphisch (1898); see EDAPHON, IC] * * * … Universalium
edaphic — adjective a) Relating to, or determined by, conditions of the soil, especially as it relates to biological systems. b) Soil characteristics, such as water content, pH, texture, and nutrient availability, that influence the type and quantity of… … Wiktionary
edaphic — lit. of the soil. Any soil properties which affect plant growth and distribution … Geography glossary
edaphic — [ɪ dafɪk] adjective Ecology of, produced by, or influenced by the soil. Origin C19: coined in Ger. from Gk edaphos floor + ic … English new terms dictionary
edaphic — Relating to the soil environment, e.g. soil structure, quality, pH, etc … Expanded glossary of Cycad terms