- boston tea party
- [ʹbɒst(ə)nʹti:͵pɑ:tı] амер. ист.
«бостонское чаепитие», бостонский бунт (против ввоза англичанами чая)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Boston tea party — took place on Dec. 16, 1773; seems to have been so called by 1824. See TEA PARTY (Cf. tea party) … Etymology dictionary
Boston Tea Party — n. a protest (1773) against the British duty on tea imported by the American colonies: colonists boarded British ships in Boston harbor and dumped the tea overboard … English World dictionary
Boston Tea Party — For other uses, see Boston Tea Party (disambiguation) … Wikipedia
Boston Tea Party — Die Vernichtung von Tee bei der Boston Tea Party; Lithografie von Sarony Major (1846) Boston Tea Party ist die Bezeichnung für einen Akt des Widerstandes gegen die britische Kolonialpolitik im Hafen der nordamerikanischen Stadt Boston am 16.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Boston Tea Party — 42° 21′ 13″ N 71° 03′ 09″ W / 42.3536, 71.0524 … Wikipédia en Français
Boston Tea Party — I Boston Tea Party Nach Beendigung des Siebenjährigen Krieges zwischen Großbritannien und Frankreich beschloss das britische Parlament, zum Ausgleich des durch die Kriegskosten stark verschuldeten Staatshaushalts auch die amerikanischen… … Universal-Lexikon
Boston Tea Party — Boston Tea Par|ty, the a protest in Boston in 1773 against the British tax on tea, when tea was thrown from British ships into the water. This is often considered to be the event that started the American Revolutionary War … Dictionary of contemporary English
Boston Tea Party (political party) — Infobox Political party name english =Boston Tea Party name native = logo = leader = president = chairperson = spokesperson = leader1 name =Thomas L. Knapp, founder, spokesperson leader2 name =James Eric Davidson, Interim Chair leader3 name =Todd … Wikipedia
Boston Tea Party (concert venue) — The Boston Tea Party was a concert venue located on Berkley Street (later relocated to Lansdowne Street in the former site of competitor, The Ark) in Boston, Massachusetts. It operated from 1967 to 1971.Originally the site of a synagogue, the… … Wikipedia
Boston Tea Party (disambiguation) — Current uses of the term Boston Tea Party may refer to:* The historical Boston Tea Party, a 1773 colonial American protest action which presaged the American Revolution.* The Boston Tea Party (political party), an American libertarian political… … Wikipedia
Boston Tea Party — Amer. Hist. a raid on three British ships in Boston Harbor (December 16, 1773) in which Boston colonists, disguised as Indians, threw the contents of several hundred chests of tea into the harbor as a protest against British taxes on tea and… … Universalium