Смотреть что такое "dung-chafer" в других словарях:
dung chafer — noun see dung beetle … Useful english dictionary
dung beetle — any of various scarab beetles that feed on or breed in dung. [1625 35] * * * Any member of one subfamily (Scarabaeinae) of scarab beetles, which shapes manure into a ball (sometimes as large as an apple) with its scooperlike head and paddle… … Universalium
Dung beetle — This article is about the beetle. For the characters in the Conker series, see List of characters in the Conker series#Dung Beetles. Dung Beetles redirects here. For the computer game, see Dung Beetles (computer game). Dung Beetle Scarabaeus… … Wikipedia
List of dung beetle and chafer (Scarabaeoidea) species recorded in Britain — The following is a list of the dung beetles and chafers recorded in Britain. For other beetle families, see the parent article List of beetle species recorded in Britain. Family Lucanidae Subfamily Syndesinae * Sinodendron cylindricum Subfamily… … Wikipedia
coleopteran — /koh lee op teuhr euhn, kol ee /, adj. 1. belonging or pertaining to the order Coleoptera. n. 2. a beetle. [1840 50; COLEOPTER(A) + AN] * * * ▪ insect Introduction any member of the insect order Coleoptera, consisting of the beetles and weevils … Universalium
scarab beetle — Any of about 30,000 beetle species (family Scarabaeidae), found worldwide, that are compact, heavy bodied, and oval. Each antenna terminates in three flattened plates that fit together to form a club. The outer edges of the front legs may be… … Universalium
Scarabaeidae — Eupoecila australasiae Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia … Wikipedia
b(e)u-2, bh(e)ū̆- — b(e)u 2, bh(e)ū̆ English meaning: to swell, puff Deutsche Übersetzung: “aufblasen, schwellen” Note: Explosive sound of the inflated cheek, like pu , phu see d .; running beside primeval creation crosses the sound lawful… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
beetle — beetle1 /beet l/, n., v., beetled, beetling. n. 1. any of numerous insects of the order Coleoptera, characterized by hard, horny forewings that cover and protect the membranous flight wings. 2. (loosely) any of various insects resembling the… … Universalium
scarabaean — noun any of numerous species of stout bodied beetles having heads with horny spikes • Syn: ↑scarabaeid beetle, ↑scarabaeid • Hypernyms: ↑lamellicorn beetle • Hyponyms: ↑dung beetle, ↑June beetle, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
List of beetles of Great Britain — This is a list of beetle species in Britain. Suborder Adephaga ;Family Carabidae:See List of ground beetle (Carabidae) species recorded in Britain;Families Gyrinidae, Haliplidae, Noteridae, Paelobiidae and Dytiscidae:See List of water beetle… … Wikipedia