- draw-sheet
- [ʹdrɔ:ʃi:t] n
подстилка; пелёнка
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
draw-sheet — drawˈ sheet noun (in nursing) a sheet that can be drawn out from under a patient • • • Main Entry: ↑draw … Useful english dictionary
draw|sheet — «DR SHEET», noun. a narrow sheet placed under a patient so that it can be withdrawn without having to make over the whole bed … Useful english dictionary
Draw sheet — A draw sheet is a small bed sheet placed crosswise over the middle of the bottom sheet of a mattress to cover the area between the person s upper back and thighs, often used by medical professionals to move patients. It can be made of plastic,… … Wikipedia
draw-sheet — A narrow sheet placed crosswise on the bed under the patient to assist in moving the patient or in changing soiled bed coverings. * * * n. a sheet placed beneath a patient in bed that, when one portion has been soiled or becomes uncomfortably… … Medical dictionary
draw sheet — noun A sheet positioned under a bed ridden patient to facilitate moving the patient on the bed … Wiktionary
draw sheet — a folded sheet placed under a patient in bed so that it may be withdrawn without lifting the patient … Medical dictionary
draw-sheet — n. a sheet placed beneath a patient in bed that, when one portion has been soiled or becomes uncomfortably wrinkled, may be pulled under the patient so that another portion may be used. The bed does not have to be remade, and the patient does not … The new mediacal dictionary
draw sheet — n. a page with a completed matrix of potential combinations used in Matrix Format Master Keying … Locksmith dictionary
draw — v. & n. v. (past drew; past part. drawn) 1 tr. pull or cause to move towards or after one. 2 tr. pull (a thing) up, over, or across. 3 tr. pull (curtains etc.) open or shut. 4 tr. take (a person) aside, esp. to talk to. 5 tr. attract; bring to… … Useful english dictionary
Клеенка (Draw-Sheet) — непромокаемая ткань, подстилаемая в кровать больного; когда одна клеенка испачкается или сморщится, она легко может быть заменена другой. При этом не требуется повторного заправления кровати больного, а самому больному не нужно вставать с кровати … Медицинские термины
Sheet metal — Sheets of stainless steel cover the Chrysler Building … Wikipedia