- drain-pipe
- [ʹdreınpaıp] n
дренажная труба
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
drain|pipe — «DRAYN PYP», noun. a pipe for carrying off water or other liquid … Useful english dictionary
drain pipe — drenažinis vamzdis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. drain pipe vok. Drän, m; Dränrohr, n; Entwässerungsleitung, f; Entwässerungsrohr, n; Sickerrohr, n rus. дренажная труба, f; спускная труба, f pranc. tuyau de drainage, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
drain·pipe — /ˈdreınˌpaıp/ noun, pl pipes [count] 1 : a pipe that carries rainwater from the roof of a building to the ground : ↑downspout 2 US : a pipe that carries liquid waste and water away from buildings … Useful english dictionary
DRAIN-PIPE — … Useful english dictionary
Drain cleaner — A drain cleaner is a consumer product or device that unblocks sewer pipes or helps to prevent the occurrence of clogged drains; the term may also refer to the individual who performs the activity. Drain cleaners can be classified in three… … Wikipedia
pipe — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. passage, tube, main; briar, corncob, meerschaum; flute, fife, bagpipe, flageolet. See music, opening, cry. pipe down pipe dream pipe up II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [A tube] Syn. pipeline, drain pipe, sewer … English dictionary for students
Pipe fitting — is the occupation of installing or repairing piping or tubing systems that convey liquid, gas, and occasionally solid materials. This work involves selecting and preparing pipe or tubing, joining it together by various means, and the location and … Wikipedia
drain — ► VERB 1) cause the liquid in (something) to run out. 2) (of liquid) run off or out. 3) become dry as liquid runs off. 4) deprive of strength or resources. 5) drink the entire contents of. ► NOUN 1) a channel or pipe carrying off … English terms dictionary
drain — [n] channel through which liquid runs off cesspool, cloaca, conduit, culvert, ditch, duct, outlet, pipe, sewer, sink, trench, watercourse; concept 501 drain [v1] remove liquid; remove supply abate, bankrupt, bleed, bleed dry*, catheterize,… … New thesaurus
drain — [drān] vt. [ME dreinen < OE dreahnian, to strain off, lit., to dry out < base of dryge, DRY] 1. to draw off (liquid) gradually 2. to draw water or any liquid from gradually so as to dry or empty [to drain swamps] 3. to receive the waters of … English World dictionary
Be up her like a rat up a drain pipe — she s very sexy … Dictionary of Australian slang