- down-under
- [͵daʋnʹʌndə] n разг.
1. 1) Австралия2) Новая Зеландия2. в грам. знач. нареч.1) в Австралию2) в Новую Зеландию
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Down Under — (englisch: „unten drunter“) bezeichnet: Australien, sowie auch dessen umliegende Länder, wie Neuseeland oder andere Inseln im Südpazifik Down Under (Lied), Song von Men at Work Down Under (Roman), Roman von Bill Bryson … Deutsch Wikipedia
down under — down under1 adverb INFORMAL to or in Australia or New Zealand down under ,down under 2 noun uncount INFORMAL Australia or New Zealand … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Down Under — [dau̮n andɐ ] ohne Artikel <englisch> (Australien [und Neuseeland]) … Die deutsche Rechtschreibung
down under — informal ► ADVERB ▪ in or to Australia or New Zealand. ► NOUN ▪ Australia and New Zealand … English terms dictionary
down under — n. Informal in or into Australia or New Zealand … English World dictionary
Down Under — This article is about the geographical colloquialism. For other uses, see Down Under (disambiguation). The term Down Under is a colloquialism which is variously construed either to refer to Australia and New Zealand, or Australia alone. The term… … Wikipedia
Down Under — /daʊn ˈʌndə/ (say down unduh) (also lower case) Colloquial –noun 1. Australia. 2. NZ New Zealand. 3. Australia and New Zealand considered broadly as a region. –adjective Also, Down Under. 4. of or relating to Australia or New Zealand or both:… …
down under — PHRASE: prep PHR, PHR after v People sometimes refer to Australia and New Zealand as down under. [mainly BRIT, INFORMAL] For summer skiing down under, there is no better place than New Zealand … English dictionary
Down Under — informal Australia and New Zealand, or in or to Australia and New Zealand. The British rugby team are going on a tour Down Under later this year. I think she s from down under judging by her accent … New idioms dictionary
down under — n. the area of Australia; Australia. □ I’ve always wanted to visit down under. □ We spent Christmas down under … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
Down under — Der Begriff Down Under (englisch: „unten drunter“) steht für: Australien, sowie manchmal auch dessen umliegende Länder, wie Neuseeland oder andere Inseln im Südpazifik einen Song der australischen Rockgruppe Men at Work, welcher auf dem Album… … Deutsch Wikipedia