- double-edged
- [͵dʌblʹedʒd] a
1) обоюдоострый2) допускающий двойное толкование или использование (об аргументе и т. п.)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
double-edged — adj 1.) a double edged sword/weapon something that seems to be good, but that can have a bad effect ▪ Being famous is often a double edged sword. 2.) having two different parts ▪ a double edged attack on global warming 3.) a double edged remark… … Dictionary of contemporary English
double-edged — [dub′əlejd΄] adj. 1. having two cutting edges 2. applicable against, as well as for, as an argument 3. having the expected favorable results but also unanticipated unfavorable results: often in the phrase double edged sword … English World dictionary
double-edged — index bitter (penetrating) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
double-edged — ► ADJECTIVE 1) (of a blade) having two cutting edges. 2) having two contradictory aspects or possible outcomes … English terms dictionary
double-edged — 1) ADJ If you say that a comment is double edged, you mean that it has two meanings, so that you are not sure whether the person who said it is being critical or is giving praise. Even his praise is double edged. 2) ADJ GRADED: usu v link ADJ If… … English dictionary
double-edged — adjective Date: 15th century 1. having two cutting edges < a double edged knife > 2. a. having two components or aspects < a spy with a double edged mission > b. capable of being taken in two ways < a double edged remark > … New Collegiate Dictionary
double-edged — dou|ble edged [ ,dʌbl edʒd ] adjective 1. ) a double edged knife or sword has two sharp sides 2. ) a double edged comment or remark can have two completely different meanings => SWORD … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
double-edged — adjective 1 with two very different meanings: a double edged remark 2 with two cutting edges: a double edged sword … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
double-edged — UK [ˌdʌb(ə)l ˈedʒd] / US [ˌdʌb(ə)lˈedʒd] adjective 1) a double edged comment or remark can have two completely different meanings 2) a double edged knife or sword has two sharp sides • See: sword … English dictionary
double-edged — adjective a) Describing a blade, such as a sword or knife, that is sharp on both edges. Slander is a double edged weapon: you can hurt the reputation of another but it diminishes your own reputation that you debase yourself so much. b) Describing … Wiktionary
double-edged — dou′ble edged′ adj. 1) cvb having two cutting edges, as an ax 2) capable of acting in two ways or having opposite effects or interpretations: a double edged remark[/ex] • Etymology: 1545–55 … From formal English to slang