- dog-fancier
- [ʹdɒg͵fænsıə] n
1) собаковод2) любитель собак
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Dog fancier — Dog fan cier One who has an unusual fancy for, or interest in, dogs; also, one who deals in dogs. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dog-fancier — dogˈ fancier noun A breeder or seller of dogs • • • Main Entry: ↑dog … Useful english dictionary
dog-fancier — /ˈdɒg fænsiə/ (say dog fanseeuh) noun 1. a breeder or seller of dogs. 2. an expert or connoisseur of dogs …
Fancier — Fan ci*er, n. 1. One who is governed by fancy. Not reasoners, but fanciers. Macaulay. [1913 Webster] 2. One who fancies or has a special liking for, or interest in, a particular object or class or objects; hence, one who breeds and keeps for sale … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fancier — [fan′sē ər] n. a person with a special interest in and knowledge of something, particularly of the breeding of plants or animals [a dog fancier] … English World dictionary
fancier — n. a connoisseur or follower of some activity or thing (dog fancier) … Useful english dictionary
Dog hybrid — This article is about hybrids of two or more dog breeds. For hybrids of dogs with other species, see Wolf dog hybrid. For dogs of unknown mixed origin, see Mixed breed dog. A pointer dalmatian cross. A dog hybrid is a crossbreed of two or more… … Wikipedia
Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show — The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show is a two day benched conformation show that takes place at Madison Square Garden in New York City every year. Dog owners from around the world come to show their dogs. Dogs are judged closely by eminent… … Wikipedia
Greater Swiss Mountain Dog — Infobox Dogbreed akcgroup = Working akcstd = http://www.akc.org/breeds/greater swiss mountain dog/index.cfm altname = Großer Schweizer Sennenhund Large Swiss Mountain Dog ckcgroup = Working ckcstd = http://www.ckc.ca/en/Default.aspx?tabid=99… … Wikipedia
The Dog in the Manger — The story and metaphor of The Dog in the Manger derives from an old Greek fable which has been transmitted in several different versions. Interpreted variously over the centuries, it is used now of those who spitefully prevent others from having… … Wikipedia
American Dog Breeders Association — The American Dog Breeders Association, Inc. was started in September, 1909 as a multiple breed association. The residing president, Mr. Guy McCord, was an avid fancier and breeder of the American Pit Bull Terrier, and was a close friend of Mr.… … Wikipedia