- ditch-water
- [ʹdıtʃ͵wɔ:tə] n
стоячая, стоялая вода
as dull as ditch-water - смертельно скучный; ≅ «тоска зелёная»
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
as dull as ditch-water - смертельно скучный; ≅ «тоска зелёная»Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
ditch-water — … Useful english dictionary
ditch — n. & v. n. 1 a long narrow excavated channel esp. for drainage or to mark a boundary. 2 a watercourse, stream, etc. v. 1 intr. make or repair ditches (hedging and ditching). 2 tr. provide with ditches; drain. 3 tr. sl. leave in the lurch; abandon … Useful english dictionary
Ditch Davey — (born 30 July 1975, in Melbourne) is an Australian actor. He was born Kristian Lind, but legally changed his name to Ditch when he was 18. Ditch came about because his older sister could not pronounce Christian, so instead she ended up calling… … Wikipedia
ditch — [dich] n. [ME dich < OE dic, a ditch, drain: see DIKE1] a long, narrow channel dug into the earth, as a trough for drainage or irrigation vt. 1. to border with a ditch 2. to make a ditch or ditches in 3. ☆ a) to cause (a car, wagon, et … English World dictionary
Water (obstacle) — Water is often used in equestrian events as an obstacle for jumping, most notably in the cross country phase of eventing, as well as in show jumping. Water in EventingWater is seen on the cross country course of an equestrian competitive event.… … Wikipedia
Ditch — (?; 224), n.; pl. {Ditches}. [OE. dich, orig. the same word as dik. See {Dike}.] 1. A trench made in the earth by digging, particularly a trench for draining wet land, for guarding or fencing inclosures, or for preventing an approach to a town or … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ditch — ► NOUN ▪ a narrow channel dug to hold or carry water. ► VERB 1) provide with a ditch. 2) (with reference to an aircraft) bring or come down in a forced landing on the sea. 3) informal get rid of; give up. DERIVATIVES ditcher noun … English terms dictionary
ditch|wa|ter — «DIHCH WT uhr, WOT », noun. foul, stagnant water, such as is found in ditches … Useful english dictionary
water jump — n. a strip, ditch, or channel of water that a horse must jump, as in a steeplechase … English World dictionary
dull as ditch-water — dull as dishwater, boring, uninteresting, very unexciting … English contemporary dictionary
dull as ditch water — Very dull … A concise dictionary of English slang