- dirt-pie
- [ʹdɜ:tpaı] n
глиняный или песочный кулич (в детских играх)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Dirt pie — Dirt Dirt (d[ e]rt), n. [OE. drit; kin to Icel. drit excrement, dr[=i]ta to dung, OD. drijten to dung, AS. gedr[=i]tan.] 1. Any foul of filthy substance, as excrement, mud, dust, etc.; whatever, adhering to anything, renders it foul or unclean;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dirt-pie — dirtˈ pie noun Mud moulded by children in play • • • Main Entry: ↑dirt … Useful english dictionary
dirt pie — mud pie, round mass of dirt or mud made by children in imitation of a pie … English contemporary dictionary
Dirt — (d[ e]rt), n. [OE. drit; kin to Icel. drit excrement, dr[=i]ta to dung, OD. drijten to dung, AS. gedr[=i]tan.] 1. Any foul of filthy substance, as excrement, mud, dust, etc.; whatever, adhering to anything, renders it foul or unclean; earth; as,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Dirt bed — Dirt Dirt (d[ e]rt), n. [OE. drit; kin to Icel. drit excrement, dr[=i]ta to dung, OD. drijten to dung, AS. gedr[=i]tan.] 1. Any foul of filthy substance, as excrement, mud, dust, etc.; whatever, adhering to anything, renders it foul or unclean;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Dirt eating — Dirt Dirt (d[ e]rt), n. [OE. drit; kin to Icel. drit excrement, dr[=i]ta to dung, OD. drijten to dung, AS. gedr[=i]tan.] 1. Any foul of filthy substance, as excrement, mud, dust, etc.; whatever, adhering to anything, renders it foul or unclean;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Dirt Room — Single by Blue October from the album Approaching Normal Released Decemb … Wikipedia
To eat dirt — Dirt Dirt (d[ e]rt), n. [OE. drit; kin to Icel. drit excrement, dr[=i]ta to dung, OD. drijten to dung, AS. gedr[=i]tan.] 1. Any foul of filthy substance, as excrement, mud, dust, etc.; whatever, adhering to anything, renders it foul or unclean;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dirt pill — n. A pill containing several strains of bacteria designed to stimulate the immune systems of allergic or asthmatic children. Example Citations: Growing up in rural 1950s Ontario, we ate dirt. Most of us were poor, but all of us had food of some… … New words
Dirt cake — Gummy worm dirt cake Dirt cake is a general term for several American cake recipes that utilize sandwich cookies and pudding in combination with other ingredients to create desserts that have a dirty look. The simple dessert is made by combining… … Wikipedia
Dirt grime and dust — crust (on a pie) … Dictionary of Australian slang