
1. [ʹdaıhɑ:d] n
1. живучий, жизнестойкий человек
2. крайний консерватор, твердолобый
3. pl твердокаменные, несгибаемые (прозвище солдат 57-го пехотного полка британской армии)
2. [ʹdaıhɑ:d] a
1. несгибаемый, неустрашимый; сопротивляющийся до последнего
2. крайне консервативный, твердолобый

die-hard policy - твердолобая политика

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "die-hard" в других словарях:

  • Die Hard 2 — Theatrical release poster Directed by Renny Harlin Produced by …   Wikipedia

  • Die Hard — est à la fois une franchise de films américains et le titre en anglais du film qui lui a donné naissance. Ayant eu un succès populaire notable en termes de recettes[1],[2],[3] …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Die hard — may refer to: die hard (phrase), one not easily swayed from a belief DieHard (type of battery), a brand of batteries marketed by Sears Diehard tests, a battery of statistical tests Diehard is also a pattern in the Game of Life Die Hard, a song by …   Wikipedia

  • Die Hard 4 — Retour en enfer Die Hard 4 : Retour en enfer Titre original Live Free or Die Hard Titre québécois Vis libre ou crève Réalisation Len Wiseman Acteurs principaux Bruce Willis Justin Long Timothy Olyphant Scénario Mark Bomback …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Die Hard — Nakatomi Plaza en la realidad es el edificio Fox Plaza. Título Duro de matar (Hispanoamérica) La jungla de cristal (España) …   Wikipedia Español

  • die|hard — die hard or die|hard «DY HAHRD», adjective, noun. –adj. resisting to the very end; refusing to give in: »The Senator was a die hard opponent of any changes in the Constitution. His book is an…account of the struggle for public housing against the …   Useful english dictionary

  • die-hard — or diehard [dī′härd΄] adj. stubbornly resistant to change or unwaveringly loyal even in spite of inevitable defeat, failure, etc. [a die hard conservative, a die hard fan of the losers] n. a person who displays such resistance or loyalty …   English World dictionary

  • die-hard — die′ hard or die′hard n. 1) a person who vigorously resists change 2) resistant to change • Etymology: 1835–45 die′ hard ism, n …   From formal English to slang

  • die-hard — if a habit, custom, or belief, dies hard, it takes a long time to change or end it. Die hard (= refusing to change) communists have regrouped to form the Communist Refoundation. (always before noun) …   New idioms dictionary

  • die-hard — die hard; die hard·ism; …   English syllables

  • die-hard — die hardism, n. /duy hahrd /, n. 1. a person who vigorously maintains or defends a seemingly hopeless position, outdated attitude, lost cause, or the like. adj. 2. resisting vigorously and stubbornly to the last; stubborn. Also, diehard. [1835… …   Universalium

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