- bopper
- [ʹbɒpə] n разг.
1) музыкант, исполняющий джазовую музыку2) любитель или любительница джаза
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
bopper — BÓPPER PĂR/ s. m. muzician care practică stilul bop. (< amer. bopper) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
bopper — (izg. bȍper) m DEFINICIJA muzičar koji izvodi bop ETIMOLOGIJA vidi bop … Hrvatski jezični portal
bopper — n A male or female who chases the opposite sex. Stay away from that bopper, girl; he s nothing but trouble. 1990s … Historical dictionary of American slang
bopper — Ⅰ. bop [1] informal ► NOUN chiefly Brit. 1) a dance to pop music. 2) a social occasion with dancing. ► VERB (bopped, bopping) ▪ dance to pop music. DERIVATIVES … English terms dictionary
Bopper En Larmes — Bopper en larme est un album de Laurent Voulzy sorti en 1983. Chansons Bopper En Larmes Mayenne Black Poule Meu Samba Pra Voce L oceane Ricken Cadillac Cruise Liebe Plus D un Milliard De Filles Flirt Jalousie En Pas Oublie ou Aut chose … Wikipédia en Français
Bopper en larmes — Album par Laurent Voulzy Sortie 1983 Durée 45:30 Genre Pop rock Variété française Label RCA … Wikipédia en Français
bopper — noun see bop III … New Collegiate Dictionary
bopper — /bop euhr/, n. 1. a musician who specializes in bop. 2. a fan of bop. 3. teenybopper. 4. Slang. a hip, self assured person. Also, bopster /bop steuhr/ (for defs. 1, 2). [BOP1 + ER1] * * * … Universalium
bopper — noun A person who dances the bop … Wiktionary
Bopper — patronymische Bildung auf er zu Bopp … Wörterbuch der deutschen familiennamen
bopper — bop|per [ˈbɔpə US ˈba:pər] n →↑teenybopper … Dictionary of contemporary English