- boottopping
1> _мор. очистка и окраска наружного борта у ватерлинии
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Boottopping — Boot top ping, n. 1. (Naut.) The act or process of daubing a vessel s bottom near the surface of the water with a mixture of tallow, sulphur, and resin, as a temporary protection against worms, after the slime, shells, etc., have been scraped off … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
boottopping — /booht top ing/, n. Naut. 1. the area between the water lines of a ship when fully loaded and when unloaded. 2. a distinctive band of paint covering this area. Also called boottop /booht top /. [1760 70; BOOT1 + TOPPING] * * * … Universalium
boottopping — /booht top ing/, n. Naut. 1. the area between the water lines of a ship when fully loaded and when unloaded. 2. a distinctive band of paint covering this area. Also called boottop /booht top /. [1760 70; BOOT1 + TOPPING] … Useful english dictionary