- Desmond
- [ʹdezmənd] n
Десмонд (мужское имя)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Desmond's — Titles Genre Sitcom Created by Trix Worrell Starring … Wikipedia
Desmond — ist im englischen Sprachraum ein männlicher Vorname[1] und Familienname. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Herkunft und Bedeutung 2 Bekannte Namensträger 2.1 Vorname … Deutsch Wikipedia
Desmond — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Desmond puede referirse a distintas personas: Desmond territorio de Irlanda situado en el sur de la provincia de Munster, gobernado desde el siglo XIV hasta el siglo XVI por la familia FitzGerald, que llevaban el… … Wikipedia Español
Desmond — may refer to: Desmond (name), a common given name and surname Kingdom of Desmond, medieval Irish kingdom Earl of Desmond, Irish aristocratic title Desmond Rebellions, Irish rebellions during the 16th century led by the Earl of Desmond Desmond s,… … Wikipedia
Desmond N'Ze — Personal information Full name Desmond N Ze Kouassi Date of birth April 17, 1989 ( … Wikipedia
Desmond Oh — Free Agent Guard Personal information Date of birth June 16, 1986 (1986 06 16) (age 25) Place of birth Singapore … Wikipedia
Desmond — m Irish and English: apparently originally a local name for someone who came from south Munster (Gaelic Deas Mhumhan). The form has been influenced by the Norman (Germanic) name ESMOND (SEE Esmond). Short form: Des. Pet form: Desy … First names dictionary
Desmond — [ desmənd], Paul, eigentlich P. Breitenfeld, amerikanischer Jazzmusiker (Altsaxophon), * San Francisco 25. 11. 1924, ✝ Los Angeles 30. 5. 1977; spielte seit 1951 im Dave Brubeck Quartett; gilt als einer der bedeutendsten Altsaxophonisten des… … Universal-Lexikon
Desmond — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Patronyme Desmond est un patronyme porté par : Paul Desmond, saxophoniste de jazz né à San Francisco. Prénom Desmond est un prénom porté par :… … Wikipédia en Français
Desmond — This noble and famous surname is of Irish origin, and when used as a title is one of the most prominent names in Irish history. Between 1329 and 1583 no less than fifteen Fitzgeralds were the earls of Desmond. The surname Desmond is the… … Surnames reference
Desmond — /dez meuhnd/, n. a male given name. * * * Ancient territorial division, Ireland. From the 11th to the 17th century, the name was often used for two quite distinct areas. Gaelic Desmond extended over part of modern Counties Kerry and Cork; Anglo… … Universalium