Смотреть что такое "depth-charge" в других словарях:
Depth Charge — is a character in the Beast Wars : Transformers universe. Beast WarsTransformers character name = Depth Charge caption = affiliation =Maximal, later Autobot subgroup = Transmetals function = Aquatic Forces Commander rank = 10 ( Beast Wars ) 8 (… … Wikipedia
Depth Charge (EP) — Depth Charge EP EP by Little Nobody Released April 2003 Genre Electronic Length 21 mins … Wikipedia
depth charge — or depth bomb n. a powerful explosive charge that is dropped from a ship or airplane and explodes under water: used esp. against submarines … English World dictionary
depth charge — depth′ charge n. mil an explosive device used underwater, esp. against submarines, and set to detonate at a predetermined depth. Also called depth′ bomb • Etymology: 1915–20 … From formal English to slang
depth charge — n a bomb that explodes at a particular depth under water … Dictionary of contemporary English
depth charge — depth charges N COUNT A depth charge is a type of bomb which explodes under water and which is used especially to destroy enemy submarines … English dictionary
depth charge — ► NOUN ▪ an explosive charge designed to explode under water, used for attacking submarines … English terms dictionary
depth charge — depth ,charge noun count a bomb that is designed to explode under water, used especially for destroying a SUBMARINE … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Depth charge — For other uses, see Depth charge (disambiguation). Mark IX Depth Charge used by the U.S. Navy late in World War II. Unlike the cylindrical, barrel shaped depth charge used earlier, the Mark IX is streamlined and equipped with canted fins to… … Wikipedia
depth charge — noun a bomb that explodes at a preset depth under water; antisubmarine device • Syn: ↑depth bomb • Hypernyms: ↑bomb * * * noun or depth bomb : a projectile to be exploded underwater against submarines or other underwater targets * * * an expl … Useful english dictionary
Depth charge — Grenade anti sous marine Grenade Mark XI utilisée par l US Navy, à la fin de la 2e GM. A la différence des grenades classiques, elle est profilée et possède des ailettes (sur la partie supérieure) pour la mettre en rotation, lui donnant une… … Wikipédia en Français