- deconvolution
- [ʹdi:͵kɒnvəʹlu:ʃ(ə)n] n
обратная свёртка, деконволюция
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
deconvolution — Deconvolution Деконволюция Восстановление истинной формы сигнала, несущего информацию об исследуемом физическом или технологическом процессе, явлении природы и т.п., после его искажения при регистрации какой либо линейной системой… … Толковый англо-русский словарь по нанотехнологии. - М.
Deconvolution — In mathematics, deconvolution is an algorithm based process used to reverse the effects of convolution on recorded data.[1] The concept of deconvolution is widely used in the techniques of signal processing and image processing. Because these… … Wikipedia
Déconvolution — En mathematiques, la déconvolution est un procédé algorithmique destiné à inverser les effets de la convolution. Le concept de déconvolution est largement utilisé en traitement du signal et traitement d image, notamment en microscopie et… … Wikipédia en Français
Deconvolution — Dekonvolution Mit Dekonvolution (dt. »Entfaltung«) bezeichnet man die Umkehrung der sog. Faltungsoperation. Dabei handelt es sich um eine mathematische Transformation, die unter Anderem in der Signal und Bildverarbeitung Anwendung findet. Eine… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Déconvolution de Wiener — De gauche à droite: image d origine, image floue, l image défloutée (partiellement) par déconvolution de Wiener. La déconvolution de Wiener est une opération mathématique appliquant un filtre de Wiener pour éliminer ou atténuer une partie des… … Wikipédia en Français
deconvolution — Process in digital image handling whereby a composite image is formed using information from several separate images taken at different levels (focal planes). The final image can be rotated and viewed from different angles and has usually had… … Dictionary of molecular biology
deconvolution — noun The inversion of a convolution equation; does not normally have unique solution … Wiktionary
deconvolution — A mathematic technique for solution of functions whose input includes their output; used to solve for the image elements in computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. [de + L. convulutio, a rolling up, fr. convolvo, to roll up] * * *… … Medical dictionary
deconvolution — noun the process of resolving something mathematically or conceptually into its constituent parts … English new terms dictionary
deconvolution — de·convolution … English syllables
deconvolution — ˌ noun Etymology: de + convolution : simplification of a complex signal (as instrumental data) usually by removal of instrument noise … Useful english dictionary