- debouch(e)ment
- [dıʹbɒtʃmənt] n
1. воен. выход из теснины или укрытия, дебуширование2. устье реки
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
debouch — de•bouch [[t]dɪˈbaʊtʃ[/t]] esp. for 2 [[t] ˈbuʃ[/t]] v. i. 1) gel to emerge; issue 2) mil to march out from a narrow or confined place into open country, as a body of troops • Etymology: 1655–65; < F déboucher=dé dis I+ boucher, v. der. of… … From formal English to slang
debouchment — /di boohsh meuhnt, bowch /, n. 1. an act or instance of debouching. 2. Also, debouchure /di booh shoor, di booh shoor /. Physical Geog. a mouth or outlet, as of a river or pass. [1820 30; < F débouchement. See DEBOUCH, MENT] * * * … Universalium