- day-care
- [ʹdeıkeə] a
обеспечивающий присмотр /уход/ за детьми (в детских учреждениях)
day-care services - детские учреждения
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
day-care services - детские учреждения
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
day care — day|care [ˈdeıkeə US ker] n [U] when babies or young children, or sick or old people are looked after during the day, especially while their family members are at work day care centre/services/facilities ▪ subsidized day care facilities day care… … Dictionary of contemporary English
day care — day ,care noun uncount * 1. ) AMERICAN care given to young children while their parents are at work by people who are trained to take care of children. The place where this care is given is called a day care center. 2. ) BRITISH care given during … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
day care — also daycare, day care, 1964, from DAY (Cf. day) + CARE (Cf. care) … Etymology dictionary
day care — n. daytime care given to preschool children or to school children after school or during vacation, as at a day care center, or to the elderly, as at a social agency day care adj … English World dictionary
day-care — /day kair /, adj. of, pertaining to, or providing day care: day care center; day care program. [1960 65] * * * … Universalium
day care — day′ care n. cvb supervised daytime care for preschool children, the elderly, or those with chronic disabilities, usu. provided at a center outside the home • Etymology: 1940–45 day′ care , adj … From formal English to slang
Day care — Caring for children At home Parents · Extended family Au pair · Babysitting … Wikipedia
day care — noun childcare during the day while parents work • Syn: ↑daycare • Hypernyms: ↑childcare, ↑child care * * * n. daytime care for the needs of people who cannot be fully independent, such as children or the elderly family issues such as day care |… … Useful english dictionary
Day Care — Kindergarten in Afghanistan Der Kindergarten ist eine Einrichtung der öffentlichen und frühen Bildung des Kindes sowie zur Kindertagesbetreuung/Kinderbetreuung. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Überblick 2 … Deutsch Wikipedia
day-care — ¦ ̷ ̷ ˌ ̷ ̷ adjective : of, relating to, or providing day care day care centers * * * /day kair /, adj. of, pertaining to, or providing day care: day care center; day care program. [1960 65] * * * day care «DAY KAIR», adjective. of or for the… … Useful english dictionary
day care — N UNCOUNT: oft N n Day care is care that is provided during the day for people who cannot look after themselves, such as small children, old people, or people who are ill. Day care is provided by paid workers. Day care enables women to get… … English dictionary