- date-line
- [ʹdeıt(͵)laın] n
1. астр. мор. демаркационная линия суточного времени2. 1) строка (в статье, документе), где пишется дата и место2) полигр. выходные данные
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
date line — ˈdate line noun TRAVEL the ( International) Date Line an imaginary line that goes from the north to the South Pole. The date to the east of this line is one day earlier than the date to the west * * * Date Line UK US noun [S] (also International… … Financial and business terms
Date line — The hypothetical line on the surface of the earth fixed by international or general agreement as a boundary on one side of which the same day shall have a different name and date in the calendar from its name and date on the other side. Also… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
date|line — date line, an imaginary line agreed upon as the place where each calendar day first begins; International Date Line. It runs north and south through the Pacific, mostly along the 180th meridian. When it is Sunday just east of the date line, it is … Useful english dictionary
date line — INTERNATIONAL DATE LINE * * * … Universalium
date line — date′ line n. hor International Date Line • Etymology: 1875–80 … From formal English to slang
date line — INTERNATIONAL DATE LINE … English World dictionary
date line — noun an imaginary line on the surface of the earth following (approximately) the 180th meridian • Syn: ↑dateline, ↑International Date Line • Instance Hypernyms: ↑meridian, ↑line of longitude * * * noun see … Useful english dictionary
date line — /ˈdeɪt laɪn / (say dayt luyn) noun 1. a line in a letter, newspaper article, or the like, giving the date (and often the place) of origin. 2. Also, International Date Line. a line, theoretically coinciding with the meridian of 180° from Greenwich …
date line — tarptautinė demarkacinė paros laiko linija statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Linija, apytiksliai sutampanti su 180 laipsnių dienovidiniu (priešingas Grinvičo dienovidiniui) ir aplenkianti tam tikras gyvenamąsias teritorijas. Kertant šią liniją … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Date Line — (also International Date Line) noun an imaginary North–South line through the Pacific Ocean, chiefly along the meridian furthest from Greenwich, to the east of which the date is a day earlier than it is to the west … English new terms dictionary
date line — See international date line … Military dictionary